Which are the needs of the new tourists who care for the ecology and for the environmental impact of tourism? It’s essential adapting the tourist offer to what eco-tourists look for.
The tourism after the pandemic will be surely different and changes into what tourists look for are already evident. What is most important is to guarantee safety, health and a closest contact with nature. The focus is no more on tourist attractions but on the emotions guests would like to feel during the stay. The new tourists are now looking for experiences which allow them a personal growth and for tourist facilities which act responsibly and in an ethical way.

1 Sustainable and Healthy Diet
Eco-tourists want to gain physical and mental well-being. Therefore, they pay more and more attention on an healthy diet. As a consequence, the vegan food market has been increasing by 350% in the UK and by 600% in the USA in the last 3 years. What is more, the wine industry has been experiencing a steady increase in the demand for organic and biodynamic wines.
Future tourists will look for a sustainable diet, which include healthy local and biological food. Which 0 kilometer dishes can you propose your guests? Which vegan or vegetarian meals can you introduce into your offer?

2 Outdoor activities
During the pandemic more and more people bought bicycles and sports equipment. Indeed, outdoor training as well as walks in the nature are turning into one of the most popular trend.
Consequently, the field of outdoor tourism is supposed to be constantly growing since many guests will be leading a healthy lifestyle.
Therefore it is important for tourist facilities to explore cycling and hiking trails in the nearby and to suggest them to travelers. Besides, they should be able to offer their guests a bicycle rental service and environmental guides to provide eco-tourists with quality information.

3 Self-development
During the lockdown people had more time to read, to watch videos and to find out how they can improve the quality of their life. Self-development is a growth industry (it is expected to be valued more than 56 milliards in 2027).
Eastern philosophy, alternative medicine, meditation and yoga are gaining more and more popularity. Indeed, many tourist facilities are already planning holistic camps in the nature or on the islands.

4 Sustainable cosmetics and fashion
Many cosmetics and fashion brands recognized the attention of their customers towards the environment. Therefore, they launched collections which have being advertized as natural, biological and sustainable.
Sustainable fashion is always more supported by the fashion industry. Companies make linen by organic cotton, they use ecological cleaning products and hygiene items. By following this model tourist facilities would protect the environment, reduce the impact on it and increase their attractiveness.

5 Electric vehicles
Many tourists travel by car. What eco-tourists dream about is to drive an electric car. In the next years we will witness an increase in the demand for electric vehicles, which are cheaper than before. To offer the charging service would certainly make the difference in a tourist facility and it would attract more guests.

As Charles Darwin said, “It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most adaptable to change”. And change begins from us. It is essential to understand the needs of the guests to provide them a valuable and innovative tourist offer. Optimism, a great deal of initiative and openness to change are pivotal features for tourist facilities.
Article By Nastja Logar, published on the magazine Apartman Plus