- Travelling time: 2 h
- Difficulty: Medium
- Why we love it: For its beautiful coastlines
- Length: 28 km
- Total Elevation Gain: 40 m
- Way to travel: by bike
- Cost: 0 €
- Our Advice: The island has several hiking trails, so you can get off the bike and explore Fur by foot as well.
Island of Fur is right in the heart of Limfjord and has around 800 inhabitants. You can get there from the city named Branden by 24-hour ferry named Sleipner-Fur ferry. The crossing takes only 3-4 min.!

You can find various caffees and restaurants in Fur and there are several accommodations as well. For those who love beautiful galleries and shops, there are few of them waiting for you! Bird watching is another option how to spend your time on the island. Except cycling, fossil hunting is the most popular activity. You can find more than 55 million years old fossils.

There are many activities to do and we are sure you will find the right one just for you. But let´s return back to cycling. Our route starts at the harbor and continue around the whole island. There are 3 bike routes and we will introduce the longest one. The bike tour is marked by blue marker. You can even buy printed bike map in tourism office for 10dkk.

The route
After arriving to harbor, continue to street named Stenøre and then turn left to Søndergårdevej. Follow the route till you arrive to crossway and turn right to Koldkildevej. Then turn left to Anshedevej, then right to Hindkjærvej, after a short while turn left to Knudevej. Follow the route and enjoy beautiful scenery of Fur. This road will take you to Råkildevej (you will be passing Fur Camp). From Råkildevej, turn to Emmelstenvej and then to Rødstenvej. On the crossroad turn left to Bette Jenses Vej and continue straight to Langstedvej. Follow this route almost to coastline and then turn right to Ulstedvej. After some time, you will have Kønsborgvej on your left. This road will take you to beautiful coastline- so relax, enjoy the atmosphere and after the break come back to crossroad from where co came. Follow the Kønsborgvej. Turn left to Engelsvej and go straight to Fædammevej. Here, you will find another place for a break and relax. Take some photos, inhale the atmosphere and after a while come back to Engelsvej and follow the street Hvirpgade. Then follow the Sundevej till you will arrive back to harbor.

Author: Nikola Mečiarová
Cover Image: Photo by Eleleleven via Flickr
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