Category Archives: news
Discover many news and events about Ecotourism and Ecology. In this section you can find many events about ecotourism in Europe and a lot of news about ecology in the world.

Measuring Sustainable Tourism
The world of sustainable tourism is evolving and news are many. The latest comes from the World Tourism Organization which, together with the United Nations Statistics Division (UNSD), has recently launched a new initiative called Measuring Sustainable Tourism (MST). The aim is to develop an international statistical framework to measure the role of tourism in sustainable development. […]
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Ecobnb among UNWTO Awards finalists
Ecobnb is among the finalists of the prestigious prize of the World Tourism organization: a fantastic news, important for us, our community and for the whole sustainable tourism industry. The UNWTO Awards this year have an extra special value, as declared by the Secretary of the UNWTO Taleb Rifai: “The UNWTO Awards reflect the efforts […]
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Paris Agreement: what now? All the unknowns on the climate
Many unknowns, a few steps forward, no impasse. So the Marrakesh COP 22 ends After two weeks of negotiations, the COP22, the twenty-second UN Climate Conference, ended in Marrakech. From news and various press release the participating nations suggests a moderately positive result, although, by the analysis of the agreements reached, the first impression is that […]
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The destruction of Environment is a crime against humanity
The International Criminal Court (ICC) made a decision that marks a turning point: the destruction of the environment is now part of the list of offenses classified as crimes against humanity. Thus, Land Grabbing, uncontrolled deforestation, contamination of lakes and rivers, illegal exploitation of natural resources, or other crimes against the environment, will be judged the same […]
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United States and China want to save the planet
The ratification of the United States and China is arrived. The two countries, which together account for 40% of global CO2 emissions, have ratified a few days ago the Paris climate accord, reached in December last year. The news comes from Hangzhou in China, where the G20 took place, during which Chinese President Xi Jinping […]
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2017 International Year of Sustainable Tourism
The Year of Sustainable Tourism is coming. The Assembly of the Organization of the United Nations (UN) has declared 2017 as the International Year of Sustainable Tourism. Taleb Rifai, General Secretary of the World Organization for Tourism, commented on the news: It is a unique opportunity to improve the contribution of tourism sector to the […]
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From Grumes a virtuous example of green and rural tourism
There is in Grumes, a small village of 450 inhabitants of Trentino, a community that has decided to take the road of ecology and sustainability. They chose to invest on clean energy and on slow tourism slow, integrated with nature and agriculture. They chose a new type of economy, in favor of sustainability and energy […]
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Adopt a tourist: last days for travel for free
You can spend a weekend in Val Masino (Sondrio), without spending anything at Norma’s house, to walk between enchanted woods and discover the ancient village of Ponte in Valtellina. Stay for free at Daniela’s to discover the paths of transhumance cycling through the Majella National Park in Abruzzo. Jump into the Middle Ages, in a […]
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Earth Day: 7,8 billions of trees for the planet
Allover the world on 22 of April it’s celebrated the Earth Day. This is the biggest environmental event of the world that from United States has expanded allover the planet involving 196 different places. 46 years have passed from that 22 of April 1970 when 20 millions of american citizens demonstrated for the environment safety, […]
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Earth Day 2016: plant a tree!
April 22 we all celebrate the environment, the planet and its preservation: it’s the Earth Day 2016, the 46th World Earth Day. It is the largest environmental event that every year is committed to promote the protection and conservation of natural resources of the Earth. The theme of Earth Day 2016 We’ve started the countdown for […]
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