Category Archives: news
Discover many news and events about Ecotourism and Ecology. In this section you can find many events about ecotourism in Europe and a lot of news about ecology in the world.

Leonardo DiCaprio: three essential things we can do to fight climate change
Climate change is a real thing, even though there are still some people, who do not believe in it. Just 2°C rise in average temperature of the planet can cause huge problems for us- and it is expected that till the end of our century, the temperature will rise of 3.2°C. It is important to […]
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First power plant with “negative CO2 emissions” introduced in Iceland
Few days ago, Iceland introduced the world´s first power plant, that eliminates more CO2, than it produces. After successful project in Switzerland, where Climeworks introduced world´s first commercial Direct Air Capture (DAC), another “world’s first” was introduced in Iceland. Together with their partner Reykjavik Energy, swiss company Climeworks introduced CarbFix2 project. The project is considered […]
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Alpine Day of Sustainable Mobility (and Tourism)
Join a conference in Werfenweng, Austria! October 18th– 19th is the time to discuss innovative and sustainable mobility in tourist regions. Are you interested in sustainability, tourism and innovations? The conference “Alpine Day of Tourism and Mobility” is waiting for all stakeholders and tourism lovers. The mobility behaviour of tourists is changing. There are many […]
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Measurement of Sustainable Tourism: A step forward for tourism industry
More than 1000 leaders and practitioners from 88 countries met in Manila, Philippines to discuss statistical framework for Measurement of Sustainable Tourism in its economic, social and environmental dimensions. They strive to carry out the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Did you know, that more than 3 million tourists cross international borders daily? Each year, […]
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Plastic-eating fungus: Newly discovered species of “ecological” fungus in Pakistan
Our actual plastic age lifestyle is unsustainable. Therefore, scientists all around the world are looking not only for plastic alternatives, but also for ways, how to solve the actual problem of plastic waste. On a landfill site in Pakistan, scientists discovered, that fungus called Aspergillus tubingensis can feeds on plastic. A group of researchers from […]
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When tourism is unsustainable: anti-tourism protests across Europe
Tourism is one of the largest and fastest growing industries in the world. Money, this industry is generating, are enormous. BUT- current system of mass tourism is unsustainable. More and more people across Europe start protesting against tourists in their towns. And that’s just a beginning. Wave of anti-tourism protests in Europe´s most popular destinations […]
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Climate changes: What scientists say in last U.S. report?
Americans are already feeling the climate changes. Over the last 40 years, there is recognized increase in the frequency of heat waves, heavy rains and other extreme weather. It is proved by new draft report by scientists from 13 federal agencies. These words, however, directly contradicts claims by President Trump, who do not believe that […]
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The newest UNESCO’s Sites
The list of new Unesco sites is updated again, with twenty new entries and five extensions of sites already present among UNESCO’s sites. Let’s discover together the new UNESCO’s sites! Sites recognized by UNESCO are those places spread all over the world that have an extraordinary historical, cultural or environmental value. Unbelievable places that deserve to be […]
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Discover our new partner: Ecoplore
Ecobnb believes in a world made of connection. So we are happy to announce our latest partnership. We’ve begun a collaboration with Ecoplore, that promote eco-stays over concrete hotels. Ecoplore is an Indian all-woman company with a solo woman traveller personally visits every accommodation to verify whether they are eco-friendly or not. The green criteria chosen […]
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Hawaii, the first US state to sign the Paris agreement
Trump isn’t enough to stop the fight against climate change, the state of Hawaii is still formally committing to the Paris agreement. Trump officially announced that the United States withdraw from the global Paris agreement. But there are so many US federal states who already have expressed the will to do their part to protect […]
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