Discover the Aosta Valley (Valle D'Aosta in Italian), the beautiful mountainous region in northweastern Italy, with Mont Blanc, the highest mountain in the Alps

Best thing to do in Valle d'Aosta 

One large glacial valley, bisected by several smaller valleys, overlooked by some of Europe's highest peaks, including Mont Blanc (4810m), the Matterhorn (4478m), Monte Rosa (4633m) and Gran Paradiso (4061m).

Not surprisingly, the Aosta Valley offers spectacular natural lanscape and some of the best snow facilities and glaciers experience on the continent, with opportunities to descend hair-raisingly into France and Switzerland.

What to visit in Aosta? What to do in the surroundings? What green routes, by foot or by mountain bike, train or mule trekking

Where to stay in Valle d'Aosta? How to choose a perfect green hotel or an organic farm and live as a local? What slow food gastronomic specialties not to miss? 

Find it out in our travel guide to sustainable tourism in Valle d'Aosta: 


Fenis Castle, Aosta Valley
Fenis Castle, Aosta Valley, ph. by Kiunkue, via flickr

Trekking with donkeys or snowshoes itineraries... slow routes in Aosta Valley

In the Aosta Valley you can choose to discover the amazing natural heritage in sustainable way, with snowshoes and sky in winter, moutainbike and donkey trekking in summer time.

In the Aosta Valley, in addition to the most famous Gran Paradiso national park, there are a lot of less known protected areas, sites belonging to the Natura 2000 ecology network and alpine botanic gardens. 

The Aosta Valley is also home to 10 nature reserves (humid areas, areas with butterfly populations, migratory birds and many other wonders of nature) as well as the Mont Avic natural park, created in order to protect such unique nature.

In the Aosta Valley, you can ride your bike along more than 1,000 kilometres of tracks. Discover new mountain bike trails every day. Some examples? The Roman roads along the Gran San Bernardo valley, or the mountain bike route from Champorcher, following the mule tracks called “Strada Reale di caccia” (hunting road), towards the beautiful Lake Miserin.

Gentians in Champorcher Valley, Mont Avic Regional Park, Aosta Valley
Gentians in Champorcher Valley, Mont Avic Regional Park, ph. by Francesco Sisti, via Flickr


Local taste of the Aosta Valley

The regional cuisine of the Valle d'Aosta, creative and composed of authentic flavors, was founded by the incredible mix of French and Roman culture. Thanks to the region’s microclimate, vines can bear fruit in altitude, while the fruit trees bear such delicacies as walnuts, chestnuts, Rennet apples and the famous Martin pears.

You can taste more than 20 typical wines, such us: Arnad Montjovet, Enfer d’Arvier, Blanc de Morgex et de la Salle and Donnas.

Among the regional specialties do not miss the equally-excellent Fontina Dop, used for many recipes like fondue, which is served before or after the typical soup of the Aosta Valley, made with cabbage, Savoy cabbage, fontina cheese and stale rye bread. 

Complete your traditional meal with the extraordinary herb liqueur Genépy des Alpes, the traditionally drunk from a wooden goblet. 

Savoy Cabbage Souppe, Valle d'Aosta typical food
Savoy Cabbage Souppe, Valle d'Aosta typical food

For a green stop, where to stay in Aosta Valley

Aosta Valley offers many opportunities for sustainable tourism. You can choose a cozy eco B & B in the heart of Gran Paradiso National Park, as the Relais du Paradis, perfect starting point for unique excursions. Or opt for an ecofreindly shelter of stone and wood, economical and environmentally friendly, as the refuge Rifugio Crete Seche in Valpelline, a valley less known and untouched, where to can arrive from Aosta with a beautiful donkey trekking. A unique experience!

If you are looking for something more refined discover the bio hotels surrounded by the amazing Alps of the Aosta Valley, as the bio hotel Bellevue that offers great local food (partly coming from the organic garden) and special spa experiences, such as hay baths, the "bath of the bear" and "the bath of King vittorio". The choice is yours!

Where to stay in Aosta Valley

Organic garden of the Bellevue bio hotel in Cogne, Aosta Valley
Organic garden of the Bellevue bio hotel in Cogne, Aosta Valley


Green travels suggestions

Are you looking for other ideas for your sustainable travel in the Aosta Valley? Discover them in these blog articles:

Top 10 destination for a carfree holiday in Italy, in this articol you can find out Chamois, a beautiful village in the Aosta Valley where cars don't exist!

How to travel Italy for free, working on organic farms, in Valle d'Aosta there are many organic farms that host wwoofer, such as the Maison Perriere.

Natural Skiing, Dog sledding, or Tobogganing?, 3 alternatives to skiing, that you can experience also in the Aosta Valley

Top 10 eco-friendly chalet in Italy, 10 romantic mountain huts, including the beautiful Relais du Paradis, in Aosta Valley.

Chamois, Aosta Valley
Chamois, Aosta Valley, ph. by Fulvio Spada

Author: Silvia Ombellini

Cover image: Ferruccio Zanone via Flickr

Eco-friendly accommodations

Nuit a Pleiney - Natura e Relax

AO (Valle d'Aosta)

Starting from €118.00

Le temps Retrouvé -casa indipendente con giardino

Valle d'Aosta (Valle d'Aosta)

Starting from €100.00

Agriturismo Plan de la Tour

Aosta (Valle d'Aosta/Vallée d'Aoste)

Starting from €120.00

Alpe Rebelle

Aosta (Valle d'Aosta)

Starting from €80.00

Bellevue Hotel & Spa

Aosta (Valle d'Aosta/Vallée d'Aoste)

Starting from €280.00

Chalet La Maison de grand maman

Aosta (Aosta)

Starting from €160.00

B&B Maison de la montagne

Aosta Valley (Aosta)

Starting from €115.00

Clair Matin suite

Aosta (Valle d'Aosta)

Starting from €120.00

Residence Le Petit Coeur - La Salle

Valle d'Aosta (Aosta)

Starting from €79.00

B&B Varionda

Torino (Piemonte)

Starting from €65.00

Eco Wellness Hotel Notre Maison

AO (Valle d'Aosta)

Starting from €128.00

Relais du Paradis Chambres d'Hôtes

Aosta (Val d'Aosta)

Starting from €85.00

Rifugio Crete Sèche

Aosta (Valle d'Aosta)

Starting from €39.00

Hotel Bouton d'Or

Aosta (Valle d'Aosta/Vallée d'Aoste)

Starting from €120.00

Country House Valchiusella

Torino (Piemonte)

Starting from €150.00