The Greek magazine, a premier online destination for travel and leisure enthusiasts in Greece, has published an exclusive interview with Ecobnb.

The magazine, dedicated to the latest travel news and sustainable tourism, chose to highlight Ecobnb. The article, written by Argiro Doka, emphasized how eco-friendly accommodation options can promote sustainable development of tourist destinations while providing enriching travel experiences.

Interview with Ecobnb on

Interview with Ecobnb on interviewed Silvia Ombellini, founder of Ecobnb, the platform of sustainable tourism. Here is a summary of the interview:

1. What inspired the creation of Ecobnb, and how did it start?

Ecobnb was inspired by the desire to revolutionize travel, prioritizing environmental sustainability, local culture preservation, and community well-being. This vision emerged from our personal passion for sustainability and travel and the quest for an alternative way to explore the world while reducing the negative impacts of traditional tourism. During a trip to Potenza, Italy, the difficulty in finding eco-friendly accommodations inspired the creation of Ecobnb. Our goal was to connect conscious travelers with hosts committed to sustainability, facilitating journeys that benefit the planet and its communities.

2. What are the main features that differentiate Ecobnb from other accommodation platforms?

Ecobnb focuses on sustainability and reducing environmental impact. Our platform connects travelers with a variety of eco-friendly accommodations, from eco-glamping sites to zero-waste hotels, organic farm stays, and treehouses. Each property listed on Ecobnb is reviewed by guests who verify the eco-friendly features. We promote local immersion, cultural experiences, and sustainable practices, including vegan menus and eco-conscious travel incentives.

3. What criteria must a property meet to be listed on Ecobnb?

To be listed on Ecobnb, a property must demonstrate a commitment to sustainability. This includes using renewable energy sources, reducing waste and recycling, offering organic and locally sourced food, and providing eco-friendly amenities like natural soaps and detergents. Additionally, properties must adhere to bio-architecture principles to reduce energy dispersion, use natural materials, minimize water waste and reuse it through cisterns, and utilize solar energy for heating water. Properties should also promote non-polluting transportation and support local communities.


4. How does Ecobnb ensure that listed properties adhere to sustainable practices?

Ecobnb ensures adherence to sustainable practices through a rigorous vetting process and continuous monitoring. We require detailed information from hosts about their environmental initiatives and verify their compliance with our sustainability criteria. Guest feedback also helps maintain high standards.

5. Can you discuss the specific sustainability criteria and why they are important?

Our sustainability criteria include using renewable energy, reducing and recycling waste, offering organic and local food, promoting eco-friendly transportation, and using water flow reducers to limit consumption. These criteria are essential for reducing carbon footprints, conserving natural resources, supporting local economies, and creating a positive environmental impact. Moreover, many of these practices, such as using renewable energy and water flow reducers, also help reduce operating costs, making them economically advantageous.

6. Are there any notable success stories or examples of significant environmental impact reductions?

Several hosts have significantly reduced their environmental impact through initiatives like installing photovoltaic panels, offering electric vehicle charging points, and providing e-bike rentals. These efforts have led to substantial reductions in carbon emissions. Additionally, the popularity of vegan menus among our hosts has helped lower the ecological footprint of dining. There are many significant stories of hosts who have changed their lives and jobs to adopt a sustainable lifestyle and are committed to sharing it with their guests, making change possible for a greener planet.

7. How has the demand for eco-friendly accommodations changed over recent years?

The demand for eco-friendly accommodations has grown exponentially in recent years. Our community has expanded to over two million individuals, reflecting a heightened awareness and enthusiasm for sustainable travel. The pandemic accelerated this trend as people sought low-impact, nature-focused travel experiences.

8. How do you see the future of sustainable travel evolving, and what role will Ecobnb play?

The future of sustainable travel is set to grow as more travelers prioritize environmental responsibility. Ecobnb will continue to play a crucial role by connecting eco-conscious travelers with hosts dedicated to sustainability, promoting green technologies, and encouraging eco-friendly practices. We aim to be at the forefront of this movement, facilitating meaningful and responsible travel experiences.

9. What are the biggest challenges Ecobnb faces in promoting sustainable travel?

One of the biggest challenges is raising awareness and educating travelers about the importance of sustainable choices. Additionally, ensuring consistent adherence to sustainability criteria among a growing number of hosts from different parts of the globe can be challenging. We also face competition from larger, less eco-focused platforms.

10. Do you have any advice for travelers looking to make more sustainable choices in their journeys?

Travelers can make more sustainable choices by opting for eco-friendly transportation like trains, staying in eco-sustainable accommodations, limiting car rentals, respecting the environment, embracing local cuisine, and supporting local crafts. Additionally, choosing a nearby destination or a lesser-known spot can help discover beautiful, less crowded places while mitigating the impact of overtourism. Carrying a reusable water bottle is another simple yet effective way to reduce plastic waste. By following these tips, travelers can reduce their environmental impact and contribute to preserving the planet and its diverse cultures.

We are proud that chose to share our vision and efforts to promote more sustainable tourism. We invite you to read the full interview and continue following Ecobnb for more eco-friendly travel inspirations!