NO to plastic! Why? Simply because it is one of the most hardly recycling materials, and we use it basically everywhere. If people contaminate the environment with plastic, they generate great damage, especially for the sea and oceans.
Think about it, every year we abandon 8 million plastic garbage in water (as the UNEP leaders tell us). Not only are we responsible for the destruction of underwater habitats but also we’re putting in danger the survival of entire species.
This ‘’garbage vortex’’ has a name, Great Pacific Garbage Patch. This is literally a huge plastic island in the Pacific Ocean. Unfortunately, there are many more, smaller than this one, scattered across the waters of our planet.
The problem is serious, just think about the island’s extent. It’s larger than Spain! It’s been formed in the ‘80s and since then, it has caused lots of victims. Fish, turtles, and birds, just to name some examples. If we keep on acting like that, by 2050 there will be more waste than fish in the sea. At least, this is what experts claim.
#BEATPLASTICPOLLUTION: if you can’t reuse it, refuse it!

Eliminate plastic, also while traveling
We all have to do something concrete to reduce the amount of plastic that is invading our planet. There are many ways to make a contribution and improve the situation. Here are some useful tips:
1. Drink tap water or buy glass bottles
If the tap water taste good and it’s drinkable, you shouldn’t buy liters and liter of water in disposable bottles. Not only could you save up money, but also you’ll produce less plastic waste.

In case you don’t want to drink from your tap, you could buy glass water bottles. They’re easier to reuse and dispose of.
2. Avoid plastic bags
On holiday, don’t carry your things in plastic bags. Instead, take with you cloth and cotton bags, or rigid bags that you can reuse (they are more difficult to split). Alternatively, you can use biodegradable bags.
3. Get rid of single doses
Avoid buying single-dose packaging for your personal care and try not to use those that hotels provide you. Take with you large sizes, which last longer.
4. Travel with your water bottle
Traveling, cycling, running ad doing sports require lots of water to drink in order to compensate for the liquids you lose. Instead of buying water bottles every time, get yourself a canteen to fill when you need it.
5. Get yourself a travel kit
Avoid using plastic plates and cutlery and take with you a kit of glasses and dishes. In so doing, you’ll be able to eliminate a large amount of plastic that we usually use when we are outside.
6. Avoid snacks
When you spend the whole day out of home, make sure that you have sack food, as for example a sandwich. In this way, you won’t have to buy packed snacks!
7. Pick up alternative straws
If using straws for drinking is a habit, avoid plastic straws and use those made of glass, paper, bamboo or steel. There are many different choices. Besides, these alternatives are often very nice to see, as well as completely ecological.
8. Use fabric napkins and handkerchiefs
The paper handkerchiefs are packed in plastic bags. So use napkins and handkerchiefs from paper or fabric cases, which you can wash and reuse.
9. Buy cardboard or in glass products
Avoid products enclosed in plastic packaging or drinks in disposable bottles. Choose those in glass or cupboard, easier to dispose of.
10. Try with creative recycling!
If you have disposable bottles to throw away, remember that you can always reuse them. You just need a little bit of imagination! Create games for your children or useful items that otherwise you should buy. For example, you could create nice jars or unique puppets.
Do you have any advice? Let us know what you mean by saying no to plastic!
Cover image: plastic bottles, via pixabay.