These days, increasing numbers of people are beginning to understand the importance of living a more eco-friendly lifes and are doing their part to reduce their carbon footprint and dependence on the planet’s limited natural resources. Whether it is consuming less plastic, buying second-hand clothing or reducing food waste, living a greener lifestyle isn’t as difficult as you might think. In this article, we will look at some simple ways you can help the environment by making your home a more eco-friendly place to live.

Reduce Your Energy Consumption

Reduce Your Energy Consumption
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By being more mindful of your energy consumption at home you can help to reduce the consumption of the earth’s non-renewable resources and also reduce pollution. In addition, reducing energy in your home will save you money on your utility bills. Some of the steps you can take include the following:

  • Swap your light bulbs for energy-efficient ones and switch off lights unless they are needed
  • Fully load your washing machine and wash your clothes in cold water
  • Have a shower instead of a bath
  • Install a programmable thermostat
  • Switch appliances off standby mode
  • Insulate your home by draught-proofing windows and doors
  • Install solar panels

Eco-Friendly Bedroom

eco-friendly bedroom
Photo via Canva PRO

If you are redecorating your bedroom, consider using eco-friendly paints that are non-toxic and do not contain any harmful chemicals or VOCs. This is not only better for the environment, but is also better for your health. Eco-friendly paints are made from plant or mineral-based pigments such as balsam, clay, seed oil, citrus oil, beeswax, and even milk. Milk paint, made from milk protein casein and calcium carbonate, or lime, has been used for hundreds of years and is also a great alternative if you are allergic to modern paints.

When it comes to your bed, consider using an eco-friendly mattress made from natural materials which support the environment such as organic cotton, natural latex, bamboo, wool, coconut husks, soybeans, and coir. An eco-friendly mattress will still provide firmness and support while being better for the environment and is free from chemicals that can cause allergies, breathing problems or irritation when sleeping. Before fitting your eco-friendly mattress, browse here at Kasala for some inspiration on bed frames.

Use Recycled or Sustainable Materials

Use Recycled or Sustainable Materials
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There are many areas around the home where you can choose recycled or sustainable materials and many times these products feel more personal as they are often handcrafted and sourced from local artisans. This could include items such as macramé wall hangings, ceramic earthenware, or wicker cane chairs, which can be used to decorate your home as well as support local businesses. Rather than conventional wallpapers which often contain PVC and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs) choose eco-friendly versions made from biodegradable materials like bamboo, cotton fiber, burlap, linen, and grasscloth.

Hang sustainable curtains that are made from natural materials such as cotton, linen, hemp or recycled polyester and when it comes to flooring, opt for sustainable materials such as reclaimed hardwood, cork, bamboo or linoleum.

By following the suggestions in this article you can take positive steps to live a more eco-friendly life and do your bit for the environment.