193 are the official countries members of the United Nation that have signed a program with 17 Goals and 169 Targets, after the 2015 World Summit on Sustainable Development, to achieve by 2030.
15 years to improve our Sustainability!

What does Sustainable Development mean?
Sustainable Development means acting consciously, meeting the needs of the present without affecting the needs of future generations.
Three elements are fundamental for Sustainable Development:
- Economic growth
- Social inclusion
- Environmental protection
Let’s go deeper. We’re going to discover together the 17 Sustainable Goals of the 2030 Agenda.
1. No Poverty
Nowadays, 836 million people are living in conditions of extreme poverty. Most of these people live with 1,25 dollars per day. This is the reason why this issue is the first Goal in the 2030 Agenda.
2. Zero Hunger
It is an alarming fact that one in nine people is undernourished. It is necessary to reduce waste in our everyday life; every single action can help in stopping this phenomenon. Also, agriculture is the most profitable sector, so we should improve the researches for sustainable agriculture.
3. Good health and well-being
Good health and well-being for everyone at every age are essential for Sustainable Development. Two vital elements in this Goal are financing researches and fighting against infectious disease, but also a natural environment that can help us stay healthy.

4. Quality education
Illiteracy is still a problem. Education must be equal, quality and available to all. This is the requirement to achieve social inclusion. Therefore, increase the number of study grants for developing countries is one of the Targets on the 2030 Agenda.
5. Gender equality
Gender equality means that every single person in the world has the same rights and duties. This is why women and girls have the right to have a quality education, medical care, and decent work.
6. Clean water and sanitation
More than 40 % of the world population have water shortage problems, even if our planet has sufficient water resources for everyone. Economical and political interests are also on primary goods like water. United Nations has promised to fight against these criminal operations. Read the book “Water Grabbing” for further investigation.
7. Affordable and clean energy
Energy is fundamental for life on earth. It is necessary to improve renewable and modern energies (an example here) to achieve Sustainable Development and to make them available to the general public.
8. Decent work and economic growth
Global unemployment is increasing, especially for young people. ONU has listed many Targets to improve lasting, inclusive and sustainable economic growth. They are also trying to introduce diversification, technological progress, and innovation.

9. Industry, Innovation, and Infrastructure
Investments in Infrastructure are essential for Sustainable Development. The 2030 Agenda is committed to boosting infrastructure, quality, resilient and sustainable industries, especially for the developing world.
10. Reduced Inequalities
Raise your voice against discrimination: income inequality, poverty, and social exclusion. So, the United Nations have established 7 Targets to ensure equality all around the world.

11. Sustainable Cities and Communities
Half the world population lives in a city. Urban development is inevitable, so we need to implement sustainable and eco-friendly plans in our cities. A great example is the green Danish capital, Copenhagen.
12. Responsible Consumption and Production
Only buy what’s absolutely necessary. Water, energy, and food are primary and finite resources. We must handle it sustainably, for example, decreasing waste. Here there are 12 tips to live a green-oriented life and do informed purchases. Moreover, sustainable tourism is one of the Targets on the 2030 Agenda.
13. Climate action
As Greta Thunberg has shown us, we all need to fight against climate change. ONU said that our planet is seriously in danger, there is a worldwide alert. It is necessary not only to build clean and sustainable economies but also do everyday conscious actions to help our beautiful Earth.
14. Life below water
Oceans and sea animals are vital for Earth’s biodiversity. Their elements are essential for life on our planet. Within this goal, there are many aims to achieve, from the elimination of illegal fishing to the reduction of marine pollution.

15. Life on Land
There are two important challenges for Sustainable Development: decrease deforestation and desertification. There are many projects and associations to help forests and all-natural habitats.
16. Peace, Justice and Strong Institutions
Corruption is still a problem in many countries. For this reason, the United Nations wants to change institutions and improve inclusion, with no violence or exploitation.

17. Partnerships
The last Goal on the Agenda is to strengthen relationship between ONU and all governments, private sector and civil societies that can help implement these Goals for Sustainable Development.
Comment this article with your opinions about the theme! And check this: 6 Tips For Bringing Sustainability Into Your Travel!
Cover image: Photo by Mert Guller on Unsplash