Tag Archives: green cities

Green Getaways: 5 Eco-Friendly Destinations You Must Visit
Many cities and countries worldwide are reducing carbon offsets through tourism initiatives, eco-friendly energy sources, and sustainable architecture. Traveling can often cause high carbon pollution by using planes and automobiles. If eco-conscious travelers wish to offset this type of pollution, they should pay attention to where they go and what they do. Eco-friendly destinations utilize […]
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How Climate Change will affect our Lives
It is known that climate change has negative and irreversible repercussions on our Planet, but how will it affect our lives? A study by the IPCC (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change), entitled “Climate Change 2022: Impacts, Adaptation, and Vulnerability“, analyzed in detail how climate change will change our lives. The negative impacts of global warming […]
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Living walls: a way to a greener urban landscape
Living walls, also known as green walls or vertical gardens, are indoor and outdoor installed structures that have plants or greenery attached to them. Their most common use is for aesthetic purposes and to set a more stimulating and comforting environment inside workspaces. Types of living walls There are three main types of green walls […]
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How Urban Mobility Will Look Like in the Future
The future of urban mobility is green, with public transport, cycling and walking overtaking car usage within the 2030. This is what is predicted by Kantar in its study called Mobility Futures, which analysed 31 cities around the world and how they will transform in the next 10 years. In fact, from the 2020 and the 2030, […]
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The Italian Cities with the Best Eco-Attitude
Looking for the greenest cities in Italy? The annual report Ecosistema Urbano, issued by the Italian non-profit organization Legambiente, shows Italy from a “green” perspective and ranks Italian cities according to their eco-friendly performance. Still interested? Keep reading to find out more about this report Being a green city is not just an issue of […]
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Top 10 Vegan Cities in Europe
Veganism is challenging as is moving abroad or travelling. Check out the ten most vegan cities in Europe The Internet is changing the whole world. It opens people’s eyes to the truth about the harm of animal products and the blatant cruelty of the producers. Environmental consequences of the livestock industry are also under scrutiny. Due […]
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No Butts on the Beach: from Bibione do Sardinia the first Smoke-free Beaches in Italy
Summer is right around the corner and it comes with some news. Some municipalities in Italy will ban smoking in beaches. An ecological and responsible choice to be spread further. How many times, walking along astonishing coasts, our feet have stumbled on annoying cigarette butts? At least once, to anybody. Well, we’re about to say […]
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The top 10 greenest cities in the world
Do you want to go on holiday? Are you tired of the same old grey cities? The World Economic Forum ranked the top 10 greenest cities from all around the world: let’s see them and hope to find the ispiration for your next perfect eco-friendly holiday! This year the World Economic Forum with the Senseable […]
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City beach: the hipsters’ locations in Italy
Once upon a time Italians used to go to the…river banks. The few lucky Italians who could afford it used to go to the seaside resorts for a vacation during summer months. The other ones simply found their own sea at home: a countryside canal, a creek, a small alpine lake, the canals of the city […]
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