Tag Archives: better the world

Say farewell to supermarkets? Yes, you can!
Can you say farewell to supermarkets, lines and shopping carts, fidelity cards and leaflets? Yes, you can, and with a better quality of life. It takes time and effort, but it is worth it. You are not alone in this journey as you can follow some well-defined steps. You can count on supporting organizations such […]
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Amazon: the world’s largest reforestation project in history is underway
The world’s largest ever tropical reforestation effort is Planting 73 Million Trees in the Brasilian Amazon. After years of devastation, finally good news for our planet’s green lung. Brazil gives green a chance. The larger ever project of reforestation, promoted by the US ONG Conservation International, will introduce 73 million of new trees in an […]
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The future is by electric car
Predictably, the direction of future automotive will be directed towards electricity. Electric car markets is growing and Electric mobility systems are spreading around Europe. Is Italy ready for the new challenge? Notwithstanding people’s mistrust in new forms of mobility, there are several indicators which lead us to predict the lowering of fossil-fuel dependence. The future […]
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Earth Day: 7,8 billions of trees for the planet
Allover the world on 22 of April it’s celebrated the Earth Day. This is the biggest environmental event of the world that from United States has expanded allover the planet involving 196 different places. 46 years have passed from that 22 of April 1970 when 20 millions of american citizens demonstrated for the environment safety, […]
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Carfree cities, where you can enjoy your route!
Living without a car is possible and actually there are so many people getting around by foot, by bike or by public transport all around the world. But there are places where, more than a personal choice, moving around sustainably is a philosophy of life and driving a car is not allowed anymore. There are […]
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Traveling to an ecological future
From September 1st to 6 2015, we are going to travel to a greener future. It’s called Eco Future, and is the exhibition dedicated to eco-sustainablility and self-construction. The location is perfect: the beautiful hills of Umbria, halfway between Gubbio and Perugia, at the eco-friendly village Libera Università di Alcatraz. The most innovative people of Italy in the field of ecology […]
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Have you ever thought about living car-free?
Why we should living without a car? This is a good question. I don’t have one and many people ask me why I don’t buy one. I can go to work without a car but with a bus or walking: the city where I live, is a very small city and it’s possible do many […]
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Earth Day: the future of the Earth in our hands
Today the world celebrates Earth Day. This year our Earth Day began in Sicily last weekend, where we discussed about Sustainability and Tourism of future in the Botanical Garden of Palermo. Today, the Earth Day’s 45th anniversary, let’s watch the Earth from space with this amazing video that shows our planet in all its beauty: […]
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When holidays go vegan
Being vegan is more than just a diet: being vegan is a real philosophy of life based on solid foundations, that in a short time involved an increasing number of people. A few years ago in Italy, there was a kind of unconsciousness or even ignorance about the meaning of vegan, which was only approached […]
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Find out Sustainable Tourism in Europe
Maybe some do not know, but Tourism is in fourth place for the production of CO2 in Europe. If the main responsible factor for the environmental impacts of tourism is transport (particularly airplanes and private cars), which cause around 75% of the tourism-related CO2 emissions, while the second most important cause are the hotels, which […]
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