Category Archives: news
Discover many news and events about Ecotourism and Ecology. In this section you can find many events about ecotourism in Europe and a lot of news about ecology in the world.

3-credible-reasons to sustain “Lundi vert”: the Meatless Monday of France
Successfully adopted in more than 40 countries, the awareness-raising food campaign named “Lundi vert” (Meatless Monday) has recently been launched in France. The aim of the campaign is to persuade French people to eliminate the consumption of meat and fish every Monday, on a voluntary basis. The initiative has been signed by more than 500 […]
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Shocking study: Complete climate collapse in 12 years
“If climate were an important bank, rich governments would have already saved it”. An IPCC study reveals that climate effects due to CO2 emissions and confirms the 1,5°C increase of the global temperature. The limit that 197 states committed to respect by signing the Paris Agreements has already been exceeded, with devasting consequences. Devastation and […]
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The 10 best Green News of 2018
The time to remember this year’s best Green News. From environment to sustainability, from nature’s benefits to travels: these are the articles that you liked the most! 2018 was an eventful year with plenty of both positive and negative aspects. Unexpected results of polls and elections, situations of humanitarian and environmental emergency, agreements difficult to […]
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4 Eco Trends of Tourism
How will be the tourism in the future? According to a recent report, more travelers will choose sustainability. Here are the 4 main eco trends! How will be the tourism in the future? Will we travel on spaceships visiting faraway planets or will we finally take care of the safeguard of our Planet? According to […]
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Climate change: let’s save the winter tourism
The increase of the temperatures and rainfalls and the melting of glaciers are changing the atmospheric conditions, the flora and the fauna of the Alps. But not only. According to the scientists, the winter tourism will also change. For the lovers of the winter holidays, of the ski, snowboard and snow, here’s a bad news! […]
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The first 100% organic and sustainable country in the world? Sikkim!
Rewarded by the ONU with the Future Policy Award 2018, the Sikkim is the first region in the world to have a 100% sustainable agriculture. An extraordinary result, reached thanks to the perseverance against the destroying exploitation of the environment and biodiversity. Sikkim is a federal State of India surrounded by China, Nepal and Buthan. […]
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OLTRE Food Coop: the collaborative supermarket arrives in Italy
Collaborative supermarket or Food Coop: this is how it is called. The idea comes from New York, in the 70s, but it has become popular also in Paris, Bruxelles and now also in Italy. Let’s discover more about it and interview one of the founders of OLTRE Food Coop, the next Italian collaborative supermarket. Try […]
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Il Terzo Giorno: the Italian exhibition that tells the story of our planet
A journey through the story of the Earth, to the discovery of its life, its growth, its changes but also of the damages that are occuring. “Il terzo giorno” shows the man-nature relationship through the eyes of 40 international artists and 115 contemporary works of art. Sustainability is the leading theme. ‘Il terzo giorno‘ is an […]
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Defenders of the Earth: when saving the Planet could cost you your life
It almost sounds like a movie title, but nothing has ever been so real. The Defenders of the Earth do exist and each year many of them are eliminated without leaving any trace, without papers talking about it, without having the time to realise it. Defenders of the Earth is a Global Witness‘ report, which […]
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“Bosco del Tempo”: from 2018 Colorno will become greener
When a tree is growing, it takes years and years for it to grow completely into the plant’s final stage: for this reason, the Festival della lentezza, literally the Festival of Slowness, has decided to undertake the realization of a new orchard, which will be placed near a playschool and a kindergarten in Colorno (PR, Italy) […]
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