Ecobnb turns four! 2018 has been rich of new challenges and achievements, new projects and meetings, great results and ideas to develop. Ecobnb has grown thanks to the eco-hosts investing in sustainability. But also thanks to the tons of responsible travellers and to the enthusiasm of many partners and fellows. Let’s celebrate 4 years of progress towards sustainability, new initiatives and projects, satisfactions and successes. On its birthday, let’s find out together the milestones for Ecobnb in 2018.
4 years of Ecobnb: our 2018 in numbers
Time for appraisal has come this year too. What has happened in the last 12 months? Which progress, success, challenges, landmarks have we had? Celebrating our birthday make us, as Ecobnb, stop over to consider the job done up to now and plan the next steps. Seems like yesterday that we were celebrating the first year of Ecobnb. Then the second, the third. And now we have already spent four years together!
Here’s the number of the last year, 2018
4.321.955 pages seen on the website in 12 months
1.084.446 users using the platform in the last 12 months
+40.000 followers on our social profiles
3.243 green hosting facilities mapped
4.384 nights booked in a year
80.413 requests from travellers via Ecobnb
22.930 Kg of Co2 saved thanks to eco-friendly stays
384.935 trees saved thanks to the sustainable holidays with Ecobnb.
Ecobnb 4th birthday: outcomes in sustainability
Ecobnb community keeps growing up. The users of the platform are doubled in one year. We’ve engaged new partners, among which Imtrex Travel. We’ve started new collaborations with two important destinations in Trentino: the Adamello Brenta Natural Park and Alpe Cimbra. Ecobnb has explored the Alpine Pearls driving an electric car, that we’ve bought to make our travels more and more green.

In 2018 we’ve managed several events: lectures, workshop and courses. We’ve touched many Italian regions, from Basilicata to Cilento, from Piedmont to Tuscany, from Trentino to Emilia Romagna.
The figures about the platforms are doubles in respect to the previous year. More users, visited webpages (more than 4mn pages in 12 months), number of bookings both via web and mobile.
So we are proud to say that we’ve contributed to reduce by more than 24 thousand kg the carbon dioxide emissions. Thanks to green bookings around 384.935 trees have been saved this years.
Happy birthday Ecobnb!
What are the future outlooks? We’ve asked Simone Riccardi, Ecobnb’s CEO:
“Increasingly promoting sustainable mobility. Spreading among the Ecobnb accommodations the electrical car recharge stations. To get there, we’re planning some specific workshops in partnership with Alpine Pearls and eMOTICON. This year we’ve also worked a lot on the efficiency of the online booking system. It will be online by the end of March“.
Nothing else to say but happy birthday Ecobnb!