The Alpe Cimbra is the new Italian Alpine Pearl in Trentino. Let’s start by discovering Lavarone, Folgaria, Lusèrn, and their commitment to sustainability. 

It’s official: Alpe Cimbra is the new Italian Alpine Pearl. As a matter of fact, Folgaria, Lavarone and Lusèrn (Luserna), the three municipalities of the Alpe Cimbra have decided to embrace the values of sustainable tourism promoted by the Alpine Pearls.

You will find miles of trails to walk through, among forests and breathtaking peaks and bike routes. So, small and painted villages nestled in the mountains, ancient forts from the First World War and several museums are waiting for you.

What are exactly the Alpine Pearls?

Photo by Ricardo Gomez Angel via Unsplash
Since 2006 the Alpine Pearls aim is to promote conscious and respectful tourism in the Alps. The Alpine Pearls localities are just like a ‘necklace of pearls‘. As a matter of fact, they include 21 mountain localities distributed in 5 Alpine countries:
  • Switzerland: Les Diablerets, Disentis/Mustér
  • Slovenia: Bled, Bohinj”
  • Germany: Bad Reichenhall, Berchtesgaden
  • Italy: Alpe Cimbra, Ceresole Reale, Chamois-La Magdeleine, Cogne, Forni di Sopra, Funes, Limone Piemonte , Moena, Moso in Passiria, Racines
  • Austria: Hinterstoder, Mallnitz, Neukirchen am Großvenediger, Werfenweng, Weissensee


Peter Brandauer, President of this association and mayor of Werfenweng, in  Austria, was very happy to introduce the Alpe Cimbra among the Alpine Pearls, since it is the first destination with the status of Aspiring Pearl:

The introduction of this beautiful place in Trentino, is the startint point to boost other destinations to become interested on promoting a more sustainable type of tourism. As a matter of fact, with effort and commitment, every destination can meet the strict criteria of the Alpine Pearls about slow mobility.

Peter Brandauer presidente perle alpine
Peter Brandauer, President of Alpine Pearls

The Alpe Cimbra aims to a more sustainable tourism

Karl Birti, Councillor of the City of Lavarone, for 5 years has been committed to promoting a sustainable and innovative mobility project. Following his idea, the mayor of Lavarone pursued the nomination, also involving the Community of the Cimbrian Highlands and the Mayors of Folgaria and Lusérn.

Alpine Perls ci siamo!! Un percorso voluto dall'amministrazione di Lavarone, avviato grazie al consigliere comunale Karl…

Gepostet von Comune di Lavarone am Donnerstag, 21. Mai 2020

Promoting a different kind of tourism, respectful of the environment, was already the focus of Lavarone. It is no wonder, in fact, if for a couple of years this beautiful lake has received the Blue Flag of Europe award. In addition, there are several measures taken by the Library of Lavarone to raise awareness about sustainable tourism.

Credits: APT Alpe Cimbra, via
The Alpe Cimbra Tourist Board has also welcomed this measure with such enthusiasm. The most relevant features of this place are its tradition, its culture and history, always aimed at developing the alpine environment – underlined the Director of the Apt, Daniela Vecchiato. Several events organized by the APT, such as the “Fiaba Regna” and the “Festival del Gioco” have been addressed to the local community to raise awareness on environmental issues.
Alpe Cimbra festival del gioco
Credits: APT Alpe Cimbra

Following the path of the Alpine Pearls, Alpe Cimbra is thus committed to promoting slow mobility. Also, its aim is to protect nature, in order to make people more interested in doing an eco-friendly vacation. Nowadays, things are changing and more and more people try to travel in a sustainable way; consequently, this is what inspires the Alpine Pearls: giving people what they really want. As a matter of fact, we are talking about wonderful locations, surrounded by unspoilt nature.

Lavarone, via

The idea of Folgaria and Luserna

The municipality of Folgaria is committed to protect its territory, and their main aim is to promote a more balanced tourism –  this is the opinion of Micheal Rech, mayor of Folgaria. Their next tourist season will be more eco-friendly and will give priority to sustainability.
Also, Luserna is on the same wavelenght as Folgaria. By being part of the Alpine Pearls, they want to make the local community aware of the environmental issues. In addition, they want people to realise how important sustainable travels are. As a matter of fact, one of their measure is to close part of the town to motorized vehicles.
Sentiero dell'Immaginario Alpe Cimbra
Luserna. Credits: APT Alpe Cimbra
What are you waiting for? The Alpine Pearls are waiting for you. Be a responsible traveler and discover the world.
Cover Image: Alpe Cimbra, foto di Carlo Baroni, via Alpine Pearls