It’s no longer a secret: the environmental impact of plastic has reached sky-high levels. As a matter of fact, according to the United Nations, we are letting our planet drown in a plastic sea. This is precisely why Earth Day 2024 (the biggest environmental event in the world) will have “Planet vs. Plastic” as its theme. Let’s discover together the objectives and initiatives promoted by EARTHDAY.ORG.

What Are The Objectives Of Earth Day?

The main objective of Earth Day 2024 is clear and straightforward, and can be summed up by using the slogan “60×40“: achieving a 60% reduction of plastic production by 2040. This is the only way to guarantee future generations a plastic-free future. The achievement of this ambitious goal builds on:
- Health risk. The fact that the excessive production of plastic is among the major causes of climate pollution and has a gigantic environmental impact is certainly not news, but the issue is way more serious. Plastic consumption, in fact, has also terrible consequences for us and our health, as we are increasingly exposed to the toxic chemicals released by decomposed plastic.
- Demand change. The reduction in plastic production must begin with a change in its demand from the markets that use it excessively. Hence, the request from EARTHDAY.ORG to the Intergovernmental Negotiating Committee on Plastic Pollution (INC) to impose the end of single-use plastic production by 2030 in the Global Plastic Treaty.
- Innovative solutions. Investment in innovation is at the core of change and is the necessary way to succeed in creating a plastic-free world.
What Are The Possible Initiatives?

Each of us can make a small contribution to achieving the goals set for Earth Day 2024. There are various initiatives created by EARTHDAY.ORG to promote conscious actions by citizens. Among these, we can mention:
- petition for the Global Plastic Treaty
- invite to prefer sustainable fashion over “fast fashion”
- possibility of participating in the project The Great Global Cleanup
- plastic pollution quiz
- #PlasticDetox challenge
The #PlasticDetox challenge is definitely the most interesting and innovative initiatives among those listed. In fact, by taking place in social media, it gives young people the chance to efficiently contribute to plastic use reduction.

The challenge is to embark on a plastic detox journey by sharing your steps and achievements on social media using the hashtag #PlasticDetox. This way, you can contribute to the change and, at the same time, raise awareness and inspire others through word of mouth, an intrinsic characteristic of social media.
What are you waiting for? Join the #PlasticDetox challenge promoted by Earth Day 2024 and contribute to the reduction of plastic production! The future is also in your hands!
For more information: EARTHDAY.ORG