‘Zero waste’ is one of the biggest goal of the 21st century. But is zero-waste travelling a realistic possibility? Discover 4 tips for reducing consumption, minimising waste and maximising recycling when are you travelling
Traveling can be a very unorganized process that often leaves you tired and feeling exhausted. Traveling shouldn’t be a burden, so make it worth the trip. You may even find you like some of those Vancouver houses for sale and stick around the area. As we dive further into the realm of travel tips, here are a few extra zero-waste travel tips that will have you feeling great every time you take that trip.
Go Paperless
Going paperless may be the easiest way to reduce your waste when traveling. Download your tickets instead of printing them out.
Today, many airlines, trains, and coaches offer downloadable tickets, so that you don’t have to carry that boarding ticket around everywhere you go. There are chances of losing it, which doesn’t help with the zero-waste aspect of traveling. Saving paper and the environment can be done with this simple act, so why not go paperless today?
Zero-Waste Products
There are many ways to reduce your waste when traveling, with one of those ways having to do with the products that you bring on your trip.
From shampoo, to chewable toothpaste tablets, razors, and powder deodorant are all ways to reduce your waste on your next trip. Simply changing up the products you bring will have you saving the environment little by little.You can bring all of your favorite products, but with a little bit of twist. Don’t hesitate on switching up your products to be waste free the next time you decide to pack it up and travel.
Changing your products could have you on your way to being an efficient traveler… all while saving the environment. Be waste free and help your community a little bit as you travel in the future.

Zero-Waste Hotels and Restaurants
According to Wrap, in UK hotels produce 289,700 tonne of waste each year, including 79,000 tonnes of food waste. When we travel it’s important to support zero-waste hotels or restaurant and prefer eco-friendly accommodations. Some eco-hotels are reducing their waste abolishing monouse and single dose containers, maximising recycling and supporting their wider community with organic local farms. When choosing your hotel for the next travel, just choose from the many eco-friendly options you find on Ecobnb.

Reusable Containers
The way you travel and the products you bring may be single use, so change it up and get some reusable containers for those products that don’t typically make it past one use.
Flasks, water bottles, reusable coffee cups, and lunch boxes are only a few products that could help you reduce your waste as you travel. Allowing items to be used more than once, allows for everything to be used fully, which cuts down on all waste greatly. There is no reason to be wasteful, so help your community and invest in some equipment to make your travel a little easier and way more efficient.

Switching up what you bring your products in may be unique to you, but it will make everything much easier, from packing to waste reduction. It is the way of the future and keeping down waste from individual to individual is important for the future of our planet.