- Travelling time: 8 hours
- Difficulty: Easy
- Why we love it: If you are looking for a quiet holiday and at the same time to be in an unspoiled nature with a rich biodiversity, Vlasina is the right place for you.
- Length: 32 km
- Total Elevation Gain: 120 m
- Way to travel: on foot or bycicle
- Cost: Free
- Our Advice: The better period to visit Vlasina Lake is from May – September. During that period the most important attractions are held such as: Vlasina Summer – second weekend of July – trumpet competition; Vlasina pot and hook – second weekend of July – fishing competition; Golden Hands – 2nd August – preserving the tradition and customs, celebration in honor of St. Elijah, review of old and new artifacts, old recipes and handcraft items. Usual sport clothing is recommended during the tour around the lake. If you like cycling you can use an ordinary one along the lake. You can buy the local products in a store within hotel Narcis. All products are made of local materials. Contact: Danijela, +381 64 849902 Local products can also be purchased at the restaurant Villa Best. Contact: +381 16 259 059 or +381 63 401 121, office@vilabest.rs Next to the very lake is a local market, where the locals, during the season, sell their homemade products.

This area of exceptional features, Vlasina, belongs to the municipalities Surdulica which is located in the southern region of Serbia, Pčinjski county and boarders with the municipality Vladičin Han on the West, Vranje municipality in the south, the Republic of Bulgaria to the east and the municipality of CrnaTrava in the north.

The area of Vlasina is extremely picturesque, and on all sides meadows, pastures and birch forests are spread. Peat floating islands, this amazing natural phenomenon, unique in the world, is the decoration of Vlasina and one more reason for tourists to visit the beauty of this region. Floating islands were formed by raising the water level when filling the lake, when the bottom raised peat thickness up to one meter. They are the product of centuries of decay moss tresetica. Apparently, in the world there is only one similar lake in Sweden. At high water, these islands are lifted from the bottom and then feel free to swim across the lake, depending on the intensity and direction of the wind. Peat galleys represent a unique phenomenon and trademark of this lake.

The analysis of flora in the Vlasina plateau showed that there are 45 endemic and 30 sub endemic species, representing 8.1% of the flora of this area. In the Vlasina plateau so far there have been 956 taxa of vascular plants recorded.

The most interesting flora endemic species is Droserarotundifolia , which is a carnivorous plant that occurs in areas depleted of minerals. It catches insects with the help of glistening drops of mucilage that covers its leaves and in that way compensates for the lack of minerals.

The fauna of Vlasina Lake contains significant elements of rare and endangered species. Ornithofauna is a particularly important and vulnerable group, and its fortune is expressed with 125 recorded species. Ichthyofauna is represented by 21 species of which two are strictly protected and five protected.

One of the most endangered species of Vlasina is New Trituruscritatus. This species is endangered due to habitat loss. They spend most of their lives in water rather than on land. At the time of mating, males are recognized due to the crest along their back.

European Ground Squirrel Spermophiluscitellus, a very lovable rodent that inhabits steppe areas, grasslands and other fallow lands. The specie is endangered due to habitat fragmentation.

Vlasina is known as the concept of unspoiled nature. In addition to the two hotels (Narcis and Vlasina) accommodation is available in private rooms and apartments (price about 5 € per bed).

Here you can enjoy food, excellent trout, as well as products from blueberries, wild strawberries, cranberries and the like. The cheese, cream cheese and lamb should also have superior quality.

Trek, which is attached represents a full circle around the lake so that one half on asphalt and the other in the fields and forests.

Coniferous forests, close to the lake, a large number of clean streams (in the surroundings) and enviable altitude make this place perfect for a weekend, or a longer active vacation.

May - on Vlasina is still early spring (violet, forest saffron ...) so one should be careful to approach this time of the year in this region and how equipped. Collecting wild fruits (blueberries, blackberries, herbs, and mushrooms) is allowed in small quantities for one’s own use all through the year.