- Travelling time: 8 hours
- Difficulty: Easy
- Why we love it: Riding through forests of beech and chestnut is almost a mystical experience, a sense of freedom and carefree that that reconciles with nature
- Length: 25 km
- Total Elevation Gain: 200 m
- Way to travel: By Mountain Bike
- Cost: 0 €
- Our Advice: Suitable for all practicable also with mountain bike is not amortized. The path is characterized by flat stretches and steep climbs slightly.

Technical Data Sheet
Start and finish: Ponte Pattoli
Distance: 24.5 km
Altitude difference: 200 meters
Difficulty: Easy
Surface: 30% dirt, 70% asphalt
What to see: Umbertide, Park Tiber River, Montecorona Abbey

Those who dream of living a biking experience away from the hustle and bustle and pollution that subjugates the largest urban areas, can not fail to take into account the cycle-route that crosses longitudinally the Italian region that most of all pantry acres and acres of green. We are obviously talking of Umbria and more specifically the path that connects Ponte Pattoli to Umbertide.

The route seems to conform to the various needs of cyclists who cross it. Its morphology almost completely flat makes it accessible to all those who should arm themselves with a Mountain Bike (MTB), a helmet and a great desire to plow the driveway white, sometimes unpaved, that characterize the journey.
Do not scare the 24 km and more than expected because the goal is to get to the finish happy, satisfied and why not tired, tired of not being able to relive those moments every day. If fatigue does not manifest itself only in forms psychosocial, do not despair, because the return can sit comfortable on the train that will take you back to Ponte Pattoli, nostalgically recalling also the moments and emotions experienced a few hours before.

Forfeited more oxygen and positive as possible and we set off to beautiful scenery.
As said, the departure is scheduled from the station of Ponte Pattoli. From there it inbocca the first road on the left that will lead us towards the center of the country. At km 1.2 just after the bridge over the Tiber, turn right towards Migiana of Monte Tezio. Arrived near the church of the said country, turning again to the right side sports field, eventually you start to go up the Tiber Valley between a ride and another leads to the slopes of Monte Tezio, a corner of paradise immersed in intense aromas of the woods of the Tiber Valley.

Continuing until km 3.2, we realize that the real adventure is only beginning: those that were paved roads free from gravel, dirt driveway now become, easily passable with a Mountain Bike.
This stretch more "wild" ride takes just over 3 km, just long enough to be enchanted by the impressive foliage of beech and chestnut trees therein.
Along the Tiber, you come to La Bruna (9.5 km), a small fraction of Perugia lapped by the Tiber. If you stop for a moment and looks towards the hill overlooking the village, you can see the ancient castle of Castiglione Ugolino, now invaded by lush vegetation.

At km 17.5, at the end of a dirt road completely flat, on the left is an old Abbey Camaldolese dating back to 1008, it deserves careful examination.
But even more impressive is the work that rises 700 m above the abbey: the Montecorona Hermitage, historical footprint in the surrounding woods.
Once definitively left us behind the stretches of dirt road, we reach our destination, Umbertide. It stands inevitably what is the distinctive symbol of the city, the superb medieval fortress, now a center for Contemporary Art.

Noteworthy are also the various churches who live in the old town: the church of Santa Maria della Reggia; one of San Bernardino (1556), the church of Santa Maria della Pietà (1486), with a fresco attributed to Pinturicchio, and finally the oldest of Umbertide (1299): the church of San Francesco.
After this digression from the strong historical connotations, continuing our journey we pass the bridge over the Tiber, lapping the walls of the city and head to the train station from which we take the train that will take us back to the starting point.
Along the way you will stop at two beautiful eco sustainable accomodations:

Agriturismo Maridiana Alpaca, Umbertide (PG) - Italy
Two beautiful and comfortable eco-friendly houses made of stone, once outbuildings of the farmhouse, an ideal place to stay in the green of Umbria, with panoramic views of the Niccone Valley and over the city of Umbertide.
The two buildings elegantly renovated and furnished in country style, are inside of a farmhouse that first in Italy handled a herd of alpacas and angora goats for the production of fine fibers.

Tribewanted Monestevole Umbertide (PG) - Italy
When a village of the fifteenth century in the green heart of Italy becomes the perfect setting of sustainable practices. It's the case of Tribewanted Monestevole, a eco sustainable community that want to celebrate the joy of living according to local traditions by seeking a new lifestyle.