Tag Archives: pollution

Endangered animal species due to pollution and more
Nowadays animal species are going extinct 100 times faster than in the past. Thousands of animals are on the verge of extinction due to pollution, the destruction of their habitat, and climate change. It is essential to change course, to promote biodiversity: let’s see why. How many animals are endangered? What does the word “extinction” […]
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Top Ways to Travel Eco-Friendly
Today, more than ever, travelers are looking for eco-friendly ways to make trips, so they can rest assured about not leaving a negative impact on the environment. According to recent research, around 87% of people have expressed their desire to travel sustainably, so they can create a positive world for future generations to live in. […]
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Which Travel Mode Pollutes the Most?
If you’re someone who loves to travel and explore new destinations, but you’re also eco-conscious, you may have a hard time deciding the right paths to take. There’s something to be said for staying in the U.S. when you travel, for example. You’re reducing your carbon footprint, and you’re also having less of a potentially harmful […]
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A Time-Bomb Extinction
We are causing a mass extinction, which size is comparable to the dinosaurs’ one. If we don’t do something, more than 70% of animal species could disappear in a short time. A new study explains the risks we are running A mass extinction is a geologically short amount of time, in which ecological changes on a […]
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A Lesson from the Environmental Disaster of Mauritius
Environmental disasters linked to man are becoming more and more frequent. What happened last July 25 in the Indian Ocean, southeast of the tropical island of Mauritius, invites us to reflect and draw important conclusions. Man is the main cause of the deterioration of our ecosystem. We ourselves are endangering the survival of the world […]
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The Environment’s Health in Our Hands
How healthy is our environment today? The SOER 2020 is the latest report about the European situation. It urges us that Europe is in a state of emergency never seen before. Unfortunately, tourism is one of the five economic sectors which mainly impacts our planet. The current health of the environment is now in our […]
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A Plastic Bag as a last meal: Sea Turtles are victims of Plastic
Another victim of plastic. Despite the effort of the vets, the example of Caretta Caretta, a species of sea turtles, rescued along the Muravera coast (Sardinia) by a little boy called Gabriele passed away. Unfortunately, this is just one of the countless cases of death of sea creatures. Plastic, the silent killer of seas and oceans The […]
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The Kyoto Protocol
Human activities are the main cause of global warming. One of the most important solutions is given by the Kyoto Protocol: an international agreement to fight climate change The idea that human activities are the main cause of the devasting consequences related to global warming has always been confirmed by all scientific approaches. One of the […]
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How can your Holiday Impact the Environment?
Every day, millions of people travel for business or fun. Have you ever wondered how much this impacts on the environment and natural resources? What is our contribution to global warming when we are on holiday? How much does your holiday pollute? “Consumption and Environment 2012” is the European Union’s document about European general consumption and its […]
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Healthy diet: the lifestyle can saves our Planet
A recent research confirms the importance of choosing a healthy diet, not only to help ourselves, but also to fight climate changes. Let’s see what scientists say and which rules we should follow at the table to protect our (and the Planet’s) health. Diet is life: Every day, we need different amounts of water, oxygen […]
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