Tag Archives: plastic

Planet vs Plastic: The Challenge Of Earth Day 2024
It’s no longer a secret: the environmental impact of plastic has reached sky-high levels. As a matter of fact, according to the United Nations, we are letting our planet drown in a plastic sea. This is precisely why Earth Day 2024 (the biggest environmental event in the world) will have “Planet vs. Plastic” as its […]
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The Mediterranean Sea spits up plastic
The Mediterranean Sea is located between three continents: Africa, Asia, and Europe. It receives this name because it comes from the Latin ” medi terraneum ” which means ” sea in the middle of the land “. That is, it is surrounded by lands of high extension. Through the Strait of Gibraltar, the Mediterranean Sea connects with the Atlantic Ocean and is characterized by its […]
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EcoGlamping: Eco-Sustainable Alternatives To Plastic Bubble Tents
Everyone likes the idea of stargazing surrounded by nature. But what is the environmental cost of an experience in a transparent tent? Bubble tents are having more and more success in the world of tourism and camping, but they are not the ideal solution if you want to create an eco-glamping. Let’s find out together […]
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XChange Box: let’s clean the Dolomites together by doing eco-trekking!
A project by two young women will help hikers to protect the mountain and keep the environment clean. Let’s discover the XChangeBox columns, designed by EcoLogica della Montagna to promote high-altitude eco-trekking and plogging. Not only the seas are invaded by plastic. Now even the mountains, very fragile ecosystems, are threatened by waste that spoils […]
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Bioplastic: the edible and biodegradable plastic more resistant than that made with petroleum!
The invention of plastic was a real revolution; however, the excessive production of single-use plastic and the inadequate management of plastic waste contribute to worsening the environmental emergency. Have you ever thought there might be a solution? The Composites and Hybrid Nanocomposites (GCNH) research group of the State University of Sao Paulo (UNESP) has invented a […]
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Microplastics: Causes, Effects and Solutions
Because of its convenience, versatility, and affordability, plastic production has risen by 200% in just a few decades. The main problem is that a large amount of plastic is not being properly recycled and crumbles into microplastics, causing the worsening of the current environmental emergency. In Italy, only 30% of plastic is recycled, while the […]
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The Sea: Why It Is Important and How to Protect It
Have you ever wondered why the sea is such an important resource for man and the planet? Find out why and adopt simple but effective behaviors The sea has always been a fundamental resource for men and the planet. It is an environment full of life, inhabited by mammals, fish, mollusks, algae, and much more. […]
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Plastic all around… and inside us as well: Recent study by Orb Media
Plastic is really all around you. It is in your phone, clothes, or fridge. Oceans, rivers and lakes are full of plastic waste. Not to mention hundreds of tons of waste ending up on a rubbish dump. We live in a plastic age. And plastic is slowly getting into our bodies. How? By water, we […]
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10 easily ways to say NO to plastic everyday
NO to plastic! Why? Simply because it is one of the most hardly recycling materials, and we use it basically everywhere. If people contaminate the environment with plastic, they generate great damage, especially for the sea and oceans. Think about it, every year we abandon 8 million plastic garbage in water (as the UNEP leaders […]
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A Plastic Bag as a last meal: Sea Turtles are victims of Plastic
Another victim of plastic. Despite the effort of the vets, the example of Caretta Caretta, a species of sea turtles, rescued along the Muravera coast (Sardinia) by a little boy called Gabriele passed away. Unfortunately, this is just one of the countless cases of death of sea creatures. Plastic, the silent killer of seas and oceans The […]
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