Tag Archives: green mobility

Electrifying the Future: How Electric Vehicles Are Paving the Way for Environmental Sustainability
The rate of adoption of electrical vehicles is increasing across the world; a revolution in the re-thought way of transportation. The movement of electric cars is not a fad but an integral component of the global effort to reduce carbon emissions and curb climate change. The consumer actively contributes to the environmentalist’s movement for a […]
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Most Beautiful Metro Stations in Saint Petersburg: Discover the Hidden Underground Treasures
Saint Petersburg is home to some of the most beautiful and deepest metro stations in the world. Let’s discover the top 5 must-see metro stations that will make your holiday memorable forever. Saint Petersburg Metro is home to some of the most beautiful metro stations in the world. In fact, by getting around by this […]
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An Eco-Friendly Travel Guide to Istria
These challenging times have brought us together in the spirit of perseverance. With nature at heart, many are looking to green tourism as the new normal. Istria is committed to welcoming sustainable travelers by introducing more eco-friendly holidays Check out our eco-friendly travel guide to Istria and indulge in the most unique eco experiences! Rediscover […]
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How Urban Mobility Will Look Like in the Future
The future of urban mobility is green, with public transport, cycling and walking overtaking car usage within the 2030. This is what is predicted by Kantar in its study called Mobility Futures, which analysed 31 cities around the world and how they will transform in the next 10 years. In fact, from the 2020 and the 2030, […]
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The Most Beautiful E-Bike Routes In Istria
Touring by bicycle is an ideal way to explore Istria county. Discover the 6 most scenic e-bike routes in Istria! Istria is considered a paradise for people who love biking, from professional cyclists to amateurs and families who just want to slow down and enjoy the surrounding landscape. Whether on a bike or e-bike, you […]
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Istria e-mobility: Where to charge your Electric Car?
Sustainable travelers have been switching to electric and Istria’s charging network is constantly expanding. Find out how you can travel in Istria on batteries. Electric vehicle owners can now road trip to Istria with the peace of mind that multiple e-charging stations will be along the way to accommodate their charging needs. This is one […]
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The Top 10 things to do in Limone Piemonte
Sport, nature, eco-sustainability: let’s discover together the 10 most beautiful green experiences to live in Limone Piemonte this summer (+1 this winter). Located in the Italian region of Piemonte, just a few steps away from the French border, there is an enchanting Alpine Pearl: it’s Limone Piemonte. Both in summer and in winter, it is the ideal […]
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3 good reasons to promote sustainable mobility
The European Mobility Week has started, with the slogan ‘Smart mobility, strong economy‘: seven days of initiatives scattered in the different countries, between bike ridings and interesting workshops to promote sustainable mobility and all public and eco-sustainable transport means, proving how they can contribute to economic development. In a world where the propensity to move is always growing, […]
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Green mobility: hydrogen buses land in Bolzano
In Bolzano there are already five hydrogen buses “on the road” thanks to the European project CHIC (Clean Hydrogen In European Cities). They’re five. They’re ecofriendly. And they’re already “under pressure” (precisely at 350 bar). We’re talking about the first hydrogen buses in the town of Bolzano. H2-A22. No, it’s not a chemical formula. But […]
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