Tag Archives: ecology

Biodiversity: the UN biodiversity decade and the main threats to it
The UN has declared 2010-2020 the decade of Biodiversity and it’s pro-actively engaging governments and public and private institutions to stand side by side to work together towards the same goal: preserving the Earth’s biodiversity. Let’s look at what biodiversity means exactly and what the UN guidelines are: 7 is the magic number: 7 areas […]
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Life in a tree house
Do any of you remember the little green home, well, more of a hut to be honest, right at the top of the trees in the wild jungle where Tarzan lived? Ever dreamt of finding a place like that? Where you can hide amongst the jungle leaves and creepers and find refuge and comfort. We […]
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Earth Overshoot Day
It is well known that most of people’s daily actions have an influential power on environmental health of the planet, but do you know how to recognize the limit? The Global Footprint Network, an international research center estimate each year the date on which humanity’s ecological footprint overtakes the regenerative capabilities of Earth, analyzing the […]
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5 cool eco hotels in Europe
Dreaming of a comfortable, soft bed with a pile of duck-feathered pillows on top? A huge, white marble bathtub full of perfumed soap bubbles, inviting you to relax? Stop right there and prepare yourself for a completely different kind of experience. Book a weekend at one of Europe’s 5 most extravagant and cool eco hotels […]
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Discover the heart of our Earth and preserve it!
Do not miss the opportunity to visit the breathtaking collection of large-scale aerial photography by the French environmental artist, Yann Arthus-Bertrand. The exhibition Earth seen from above – La Terre vue du ciel is currently taking place at the Museum of Natural History of Milan until 19th of October 2014. The work carried out by Arthus-Bertrand includes […]
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Easter at the Medici court? Pick up your favorite one and go
Let’s go on with the twelve villas of the Medici : visiting 12 villas in a long week proves too much? Pick up your favorite ones and do not forget to have a glass of a Super Tuscan and even a slice of Pecorino Toscano Dop cheese: life is beautiful at the Medici villas […]
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Ecovillages: the noisy sound of silence of Mother Nature
When I was first assigned this article I thought “eco-villages” (or ecovillages) were just resorts with a green approach to the environment. Well, I was wrong. Ecovillages (or eco-villages) are communities with a strong ecological focus but the project is not exactly the one of a week or more of vacation stay. It may actually […]
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10 Green Inventions, Simply Amazing!
Printing with the coffee grounds, cooking with the sun, driving the eco-friendly car in Lego bricks … discover 10 incredible green inventions! In the world, there is someone that takes care so much of our planet that has invented things that help us to not destroy it. Their inventions maybe do not really improve our life […]
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12 books for your green commitments: holiday in a monastery or growing your own tomatoes?
New Year has just shown up together with the wind of enthusiasm and good proposal planning which usually goes with it. Some of us will once again decide to subscribe an annual membership to the gym around the corner from home and others will go for the yoga sessions so as to train body and […]
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It’ time for Christmas trees: ecological, recycled and unique!
It’s time to think about the colorful decorations cause Christmas is coming! We have to bring out the old decorations box and share it between what to hold and what to throw away… and then we have to think about the tree, the inevitable Christmas tree. And if we need to find a new one… […]
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