Author: Dafne Francesca Palumbo

Walking Tours in Italy: 10 Itineraries for Eco-Travelers
After this period of quarantine, we have not excuses anymore. Everything now is like a new experience, and we don’t want to waste time, except for travelling and walking. For this reason, the new project “Io cammino in Italia” (I walk in Italy) was born. This campaign has been created by professionals that want to […]
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Caldonazzo Lake, the Holiday for Slow Travelling lovers
Trentino is slow and sustainable. The Eco bnb “Casa sul Lago” explains us the new ecologic choices and values of life. A special holiday on a lake. We interviewed the owner of Eco-friendly Casa Sul Lago, a B&B on the shore of Lake Caldonazzo. An ideal place for an ecologic and slow holiday. A natural […]
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The Worth Discovering Valle Maira and 5 Eco-Friendly Lodges
Piedmont is located in North of Italy and is characterized by amazing mountains and enormous green fields. Valle Maira looks out France, and hides little, old towns and lodges. For those who visit this place, nothing is important anymore. The only things that matter here, are the pure air and the incredible nature that welcome […]
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Less is more: Change your life to Change the World
“I wanted to show how much waste there is nowadays, in this society where money is God and unbridled consumerism is sold as the remedy for every cure.” Rob Greenfield is a common guy, who until 2011 lived fully immersed in the global consumerism. He wanted all the advertised objects and bought dresses to impress […]
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Sardinia: the little-known and sustainable part of the Island, explored by Tourists for Future
Sardinia is one of the two biggest islands of Mediterranean Sea. It is often the vacation choice thanks to its amazing beaches. Anyway, there is an unknown part which is “greener” and more sustainable. This is another story by Tourists for Future. The mining tourism Sardinia is the region with the biggest number of mines. […]
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Waste Reduction: 10 Easy Ways to be an Eco-Friendly Hotel
Waste management in tourist accommodation can not be easy in order to be eco-sustainable. Anyway, the waste reduction can bring several results for any accommodation. The report Best Environmental Management Practice in the Tourism Sector by the European Commission shared the data. According to this, tourism is responsible for a small share of waste generation […]
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Ischia, Beautiful and Sustainable Italian Island
Ischia is the biggest island of Naples Gulf. It is, for sure, one of the favorite destinations for its amazing landscapes and thermal baths. In recent years, the island has developed an enviable model for the territory protection. Ischia was created from marine sediments and debris from eruptions, that took place over the centuries. Nowadays, […]
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I Give you a Farm Experience! 10 Green Ideas in Italy
Time is best gift ever. Are you looking for a unique gift? We offer you 10 eco-friendly farm experiences in the Italian Countryside “Dear staff, I am looking for a special experience to give as birthday gift to my husband. We have two daughters (3-years-old and 8-months-old). The farm experience arouses my curiosity. May you […]
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Eco-travel is growing up: more people are opting for Green Hotels
Nowadays 73% of travelers prefers an eco-sustainable hotel rather than a traditional one. says the eco-travel sector is growing up all over the world. Thanks to all the innovations we are able to keep a green lifestyle and improve it. Why do not we take all these tricks during a travel? Yes, we can […]
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Cammino Materano: Walking from Basilicata to Apulia
An incredible on foot adventure. From Basilicata with its Sassi di Matera, to Apulia and Parco Alta Murgia. The slow journey of Tourists for Future keeps going in a natural landscape deep in the local heritage and green hospitality Our friends of Tourists for Future have embarked on a slow journey to discover the most […]
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