Our daily food choices have a significant impact on the environment and the sustainability of our planet. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the food sector is responsible for about 30% of global greenhouse gas emissions. This is due to the entire life cycle of food products, from production to packaging, transportation, preparation, and waste disposal. By choosing sustainable food, you can make a great contribution to the environment. Let’s see how.
Sustainable eating

However, there are some choices we can make to reduce the environmental impact of our food. Firstly, e can reduce the consumption of meat and dairy, which are among the most impactful food products for the environment.
According to a 2018 study published in the scientific journal Science, meat and dairy production account for 60% of global greenhouse gas emissions in the food sector, despite representing only 18% of the world’s calorie intake.
We can choose a plant-based diet or reduce the consumption of meat and dairy by opting for plant-based alternatives such as legumes, which have a much lower environmental impact.
Moreover, we can choose local and seasonal food products, thus reducing the need to transport food products from far away and reducing the environmental impact of transportation.
Also, buying unpackaged food products and reducing the consumption of pre-packaged products can reduce the environmental impact of our food.
Finally, we can reduce food waste. According to the FAO, about one-third of all food products produced for human consumption are wasted every year. This represents not only an economic loss but also a significant environmental impact, as food production requires water, energy, and other natural resources. We can reduce food waste by purchasing or preparing appropriate amounts of food and by properly storing food products.
There are also some interesting innovations in the food industry that promise to reduce the environmental impact of our food. Synthetic meat, for example, could be a sustainable solution to meat
consumption. Synthetic meat is produced in a laboratory using animal cells, reducing the need to
raise and slaughter animals for meat. This could significantly reduce the environmental impact of meat
In conclusion, our daily food choices have a significant impact on the environment and the sustainability of the planet. We can do our part by reducing the consumption of meat and dairy, choosing local and seasonal food products, reducing food waste, and opting for food products with a lower ecological footprint.
Author: Luca Cordasco