Christmas is coming. This means spending precious time with our family and relatives, whom for one reason or the other, we are not able to see very often. Christmas means also delicious food and happiness. Of course, presents are a very important component. In recent years, people are more willing to give or receive sustainable presents.
Sustainable presents are an excellent choice for whoever respects the planet and for nature and sustainability lovers. Is also a way to contribute to making our planet a little bit more green. In this guide, we give you some ideas for a sustainable present that will make your friends and relatives happy and satisfied.
No to disposable presents, yes to experiences!

How many times has happened to us to receive a present we don’t like, so we put it in a cabinet or a basement? Unfortunately, this happens very often, especially if the person who is giving the present to us is someone who doesn’t know our tastes. However, there is a present that is always the right one: an experience!
Experiences stay in our souls and we will be always grateful to whoever allows us to live such an adventure.

Nowadays is possible to purchase experiences or trip packages everywhere, but if the person that receives the present is a lover of sustainability, what’s better of a gift card for an eco-stay? Ecobnb allows you to do that, giving a gift card with the desired amount to someone who will thank you for sure!

You can purchase the gift cards directly on the website of Ecobnb, just with a few clicks. You can also choose the theme (besides Christmas is possible to purchase gift cards also for birthdays, anniversaries etc..), the desired amount and entering also a message. The gift will be delivered to you directly to your email address in less than a minute.
Christmas tree: don’t decorate it, adopt it!

The Christmas tree is a must during the Christmas season. Nowadays, you can choose between fake trees or real ones, that are cut to decorate our homes.
Both these options present some disadvantages:
- Fake trees are the most comfortable option but not the most aesthetic one, moreover, these trees are composed of plastic and when they are thrown away they are a waste difficult to dispose of;
- Real trees are an option that is more pleasant to the sight, but during their quick usage in the Christmas period, they lose a lot of needles. Furthermore, these trees are cut just to be used for a few weeks, before being thrown away.

A third option could be adopting a tree. Adopting a tree is an initiative that is cooler and cooler in the last years. It’s also a more sustainable choice, that it helps the planet instead of ruining it.

With the gift card “Gift a forest” by Ecobnb, you can safeguard and custody of secular forests in Europe. What better present for a sustainability lover?
Once you purchase the gift card and redeem the code, the recipient will receive the GPS coordinates of the wood you are helping grow, with a certificate with his/her name. With the donated amount, Ecobnb will take charge of the planting and protection costs. Some damaged or cut-risk areas are identified and are acquired to grow the wood and transform it into a secular forest.
You can purchase the gift card on the Ecobnb website e in a few steps you can receive your sustainable presents via email.
Sustainable gift package

Whatever your sustainable presents will be, every one of them needs for sure one thing: a nice package to wrap them in.
Buying some wrapping paper, that will be ripped and thrown away immediately, it’s a waste of money that also has an impact on the environment.
There are some sustainable alternatives to colourful wrapping paper. You can think about using a newspaper to wrap your gift and decorate it with some touch of colour. You can also use a music score you are not using anymore, or also some pages from an old book. If your present is small you can use the cylinder from toilet paper, folding the edges to close the package. Do you want a more elegant wrap? You can recycle some old fabric, some foulards or even some blouses to wrap a bottle of wine or oil.
Don’t forget about the decorations for your package. You can do it with berries, aromatic herbs or sticks. You can find thousands of sustainable solutions to the classic wrapping paper, the only rule to follow is to use your fantasy!

In this article, we have given you some ideas for sustainable gifts that respect nature. if the recipient is someone that pays attention to sustainability, his/her happiness is ensured! Anyway, this Christmas , when you are making a present make sure to choose the most sustainable option for our planet.