Corporate gifts, but also welfare, gift vouchers, fringe benefits, and incentive plans: there are many choices that a company faces in its relations with customers and employees and as many opportunities to demonstrate its attention not only towards business objectives and the workplace but also towards what happens in the world.

Eco-Sustainable Corporate Gifts

The so-called green movement is not something temporary, it is no longer a niche trend. It is the only possibility to combat climate change, to safeguard the planet, our health, and our future. Your business can be at the forefront of this fight by implementing green practices throughout all different business ventures. With eco-sustainable corporate gifts, environmentally friendly welfare, or loyalty programs for your customers that take environmental impact into account, you can do something useful and beneficial for the whole community.

Why choose eco-sustainable corporate gift vouchers

Why choose eco-sustainable corporate gifts

Eco-sustainable corporate gift vouchers therefore represent something concrete for the future of the planet, but also a winning move in terms of corporate communication and the retention of employees and customers. It is a simple gesture to share your environmental commitment, to actively involve stakeholders in a positive story, to stand out and increase the reputation of your brand.

How to choose eco-sustainable company prizes and gifts

eco-friendly gift voucher
Photo by Joanna Kosinska on Unsplash

Sustainable products are all those that, throughout their entire production and trade cycle, protect the environment with minimal or even neutral impact thanks to CO2 emissions compensation projects. From raw materials to packaging and disposal, they are therefore natural and eco-friendly. For your eco-sustainable corporate gifts you can therefore aim for all those objects that respect these characteristics, always paying attention to greenwashing, or aim for something different than a material object, something even more sustainable and appreciated: a green experience.

Ideas for your eco-sustainable corporate gifts

Ideas for your eco-sustainable voucher idea

If you are looking for an original and innovative idea for your corporate gifts, focusing on sustainability, eco-friendly gift vouchers are definitely a winning choice.

Ecobnb’s proposals (explained in detail at this link) are:

  • ecological: you can choose between gift vouchers for eco-sustainable stays, or for the local planting of trees.
  • flexible: those who receive gift vouchers for a green experience or stay can choose when and where to use it among thousands of beautiful possibilities.
  • new: it’s not the usual gift that ends up in the drawer, but an original and innovative gift voucher that appeals to those who receive it and is good for the environment.

Author: Silvia Ombellini

I am an architect with a passion for travel. I think it is urgent to be able to live in harmony with the ecosystem we are part of. After the birth of my second baby, Leo, I began to work at Ecobnb, an adventure undertaken to change the way we travel, to make it more sustainable, respectful of the environment, places and people.
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