Let’s find out incredible sustainable innovations created by students. Put into practice the most daring ideas, and act for save the planet!
Sustainability is an emerging environmental trend. Advances in technology give a positive outcome for the ecosystem of our planet. Humankind is aware of the fact that our future depends on the well-thought-out decisions of the contemporaries. There is no doubt that it’s urgent to stop global warming processes, reduce carbon emissions, plastic pollution, invest in renewable energy, recycle, etc. A recent global lockdown has proven that the planet can renew its potential if humanity is more reasonable in its activities.
Youth is always at the forefront of the struggle for better conditions of life. Student years allow us to develop ideas with the help of university laboratories under the guidance of experienced scientists. Many discoveries made in university laboratories have already received the practical application. Often conducting pilot studies consumes all free time. But there is an essayservice.com platform, a community of experienced, like-minded authors that will take on any academic assignments while talented young scientists will have time for making innovations.

International students’ community made a list of recommendations for the new post-COVID-19 reality to socialize securely and protect the planet. We want to emphasize some of them:
- to take notes electronically using laptops instead of paper notebooks;
- be smart about transportation using a bike or just walking when possible;
- buy what you need to put an end to consumerism;
- be interested in sustainability projects;
- use less water and sort the waste.

These recommendations are easy to follow, but their importance is vital. It can save the environment.
Every year hundreds of student innovation projects turn into real startups and get considerable investments. We want to share some incredible ideas that changed our perception of the world.
Cleanup Ocean
Founded by an 18 years old student Boyan Slat, in Delft, the Netherlands, this startup pursues the idea of the development of cutting-edge technologies to clean the oceans of plastic pollution. The idea is simple but great at the same time. The team of Ocean Cleanup designed passive high-tech equipment that moves with the river currents to intercept plastic waste on the way to seas and oceans. So-called gyres break down plastic into microparticles and minimize the risk for the ocean ecosystem. According to preliminary scientific research, these systems can reduce plastic pollution by up to 50% in five years.
Bios Urn
Spanish students from the Catalonian town of Lleida designed the first biodegradable funerary urn that turns a person or a pet into a tree after death. It contains a seed of tree or plant, and after the germinating process, it begins growing. This innovative project consists of turning cemeteries into forests, and taking into account the lack of free territories in the megapolis, it is incredible!

Green Energy
Another Catalonian innovative student team designed a digital platform that allows us to take care of the planet and, at the time, save money. They offer a 100% green energy at a reasonable flat rate. You consume an amount of energy you need. The only requirement is to create an account in the online platform and switch your household to renewable energy.

Outdoor Gym Electric Power Generator
Sport is good for physical and mental health. Imagine using physical activity to benefit society and the environment in general. Colombian students from the University of Antioquia designed ecological gym equipment and bicycles that produce electric energy by pedaling. This energy can be used to charge electronic devices and give light.

A Shower That Gets You Kicked Out When You Overspend Water
Water is an essential power of life. Access to safe water and sanitation empowers people and creates new opportunities. Nowadays, 785 million people lack freshwater and 2 billion lack access to sanitation. In the developed countries the water consumption must be mindful and conscious. That’s why American students from Texas State University designed a unique tool to minimize water consumption. An awesome shower curtain with an in-built sensor prevents water overspend. You can set the timer for a specific time. Once expired, the trigger will work, and you will hear a sound signal. So simple but at the same time brilliant. Bravo!

Fruit and Vegetable City Gardens
The green initiative of students from several European universities has become extremely popular. The project of transforming the city into a car-free zone is gaining more and more supporters and contributes to long-term sustainability. The idea of orchards is to use free-of-charge areas or urban rooftops for sustainable grow food. In addition to the apparent benefits to nature, the project stimulates socialization and motivates neighbors to spend more time outdoors ad improve our quality of life.

Artificial Nature (DAN*MA)
In 2017, students of the Polytechnic University of Catalonia (Spain), created a startup intending to promote biodegradable materials as a sustainable and functional alternative to the modern evolution technological trend. The idea consists of using 3D printing for biomedicine, cosmetics, and mobility needs. Scientific advances make it possible to proceed with bioprinting of human tissues using patients’ cells as a source.

I Am Perfect Food
Many people in the world still suffer acute hunger. A brilliant idea of German students to combat food waste becomes more popular. They created an online platform and established partnerships with supermarket chains to reclaim products with nearing expiration dates or with damaged packing. Then they place them on the platform with a discount of up to 80%. Recently the guys developed an app to facilitate communication. It allows clients to place an order and get food delivered home directly. All ingenious is simple. Wise consumption is key to prosperity and a sustainable future.

We hope that our list of sustainable innovations created by students like you will motivate you to act. You can’t sit back. Student years allow you to put into practice the most daring ideas in life and give many opportunities. Universities offer the material base, consultations of highly qualified specialists, and, most importantly, like-minded people. Do not be afraid to offer ideas, participate in university exchange programs, internships, and apply for scientific grants. Fortune favors the brave and talented.
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