Over recent years, companies are increasingly looking for cutting-edge methods to promote an eco-friendly environment, in line with their business functions. They are trying their best to incorporate eco-friendly approaches in the working place, production, and services.
Eco-friendly office changes have become an important part of business responsibility. Not only, now they represent an influential aspect when it comes to deciding to be competitive in the future.
Furthermore, a sustainable practice can have a positive effect on the employees and their mindset, their health, and their productiveness.
Eco-friendly office ǀ What is it?

Imagine walking inside any big company or an average office. What do you expect to see there? Noisy electronic devices, such as printers and shredders. Trashcans full of non-essential paper, cabinets full of mugs and other single-use objects. The office set-up has a significant impact on the planet and quite often, sadly, that is not a positive one.
Therefore, owners do their utmost to supplement eco-friendly approaches in the workplace. Their goal is to reduce the negative impact caused by offices on the environment.
Another way to call an eco-friendly office is “green”. These spaces have the aim to reduce their footprint, mostly in regard to co2 emissions. They try to create a working atmosphere that happens to provide better quality for those who work there. Such establishments usually boast heat efficiency pavements, energy-saving walls, plenty of natural daylight, better ventilation, and so on. Consequently, compared to traditional offices, the building process of an eco-friendly office requires a greater financial investment. Though, long term this solution leads to many more benefits.
The best eco-friendly offices around the world

The number of eco-friendly offices is in continuous growth indeed. This is due to both the ever-growing popularity of green arrangements and the ascending demand for sustainable workspaces. Let’s find out together some of the best buildings, among the most pioneering eco-friendly office buildings in the whole world.
InEdi coworking, Milan, Italy
This creative and ecologic office, which occupies approximately 900sqm in the Paolo Sarpi area, offers about 50 workstations in coworking. Special emphasis is given to the eco-compatibility of furniture and working areas. Thus, Furniture is realized with recycled materials and the electricity comes exclusively from renewable energy sources. Likewise, air systems and micro-filtering plants serve for limiting indoor pollution. As well, InEdi makes available bikes to support a green lifestyle.

One Angel Square, Manchester, United Kingdom
Although this is one of the biggest office buildings in Europe, it boasts a sustainability rating among the highest in the world – according to the English certification BREEAM. In fact, it was built following bio-climatic advanced techniques. The main aim was to minimize energy waste and to respect the environment. For example, the central hall of the building has been specifically designed to maximize the natural light spread and minimize the usage of artificial lighting.

The Edge, Amsterdam
Designed by OVG Real Estate, this building is currently the headquarter of the corporate Deloitte. It achieved the highest rating from the English certification BREEAM on this earth. Actually it is one of the first business centers to boast a system of LED Ethernet lighting. Not to mention its innovative system. It allows the employees can set the climate and the lighting of the working area using an app on their smartphone. Equally important is that the energy needed to heat and cool the building comes from the groundwater.
The Edge, Amsterdam part I, by OVG Real Estate from EDGE on Vimeo.
Powerhouse Kjørbo, Oslo
Also known as the “energy-positive” office, this building generates more energy than it consumes. This structure is dated 1980. Although, thanks to a renovation, it currently is one of the most eco-friendly workplaces in Norway. Especially characterized by exteriors in carbonized wood and by several unique features in the interior design. The Powerhouse Kjørbo architecture is a mix of the oldest and the latest trends. Another key point stands in its roof – covered in solar panels. Lastly, the energy necessary to heat and cool the building comes from the geothermic system located in the park near the building.
- Powerhouse Kjørbo, solar panels, photo on Facebook
- Powerhouse Kjørbo, the interior

7 More London, London, United Kingdom
7 More London is the first office building in the UK which received the rating of “exceptional” by the English certification BREEAM. Notably, 25% of the energy necessary to the maintenance of the offices is generated on the spot. It exploits both solar panels and recycled oil. By the same token, a bike parking place has the aim to encourage people working there to use eco-friendly means of transport.

Bank of America Tower, New York
The exploitation of recycled material in the realization of this skyscraper has led to the minimization of concrete. Consequently, environmental pollution has been dramatically reduced during its building process.
Additionally, the natural daylight spreads in the offices through large windows. This is the first tower in the United States which achieved a platinum Leed rating. Currently it is occupied by the Bank of America.

PNC Plaza Tower, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
The best green skyscraper existing on the planet is this 33-floors building. Its main characteristic is the double frontage, as well the windows can be opened in order to let air in. If you feel like getting some fresh air, it is enough to open a window.
The Beacon at The Tower at PNC Plaza, Pittsburgh, PA, by ESI Design from ESI Design on Vimeo.
BMW Welt, Munich, Germany
This luxurious building serves not only as an office, but also as space for events and distribution center of the renowned car manufacturer. Solar panels cover the whole roof, contributing to the heating of the building. Besides, the abundance of natural vegetation all around the building facilitates its ventilation.

Shanghai Tower, Shanghai
Today this is the highest building in China – and the second in the world –, it has been designed exploiting asymmetric shapes in order to resist the wind. The double face of the building contributes to the heat isolation. The skyscraper is often called “the city in the city”, since it offers a wide variety of public spaces such as schools, restaurants, shops, etc. It is interesting to notice that about one-third of the entire building is filled with green spaces.

The Crystal, London, UK
The name of the building says it all since the shape of a crystal inspired the design. The very peculiar style boasts an abundance of natural light for the whole day. Solar panels and a geothermal heat pump generate all the necessary energy. As a consequence, not one heating bill!

Becoming eco-friendly is not a trend anymore, it is now a lifestyle that our planet requests and needs. Every company, regardless of its dimensions and goals, must do everything possible to realize eco-friendly offices. Nowadays, hundreds of corporates all around the world are developing consciousness about environment care. Some of the most reputed names are Google, Tesla Motors, Honda, Brooks – etc.
You do not need to work for some of these businesses to adopt green approaches and eco-friendly company practices.
Dozens of advanced eco-friendly offices invite people to events here and there to let everyone understand all the benefits that such decisions bring.
Cover image: photo by denvit, via unsplash