When you’re looking for tips for traveling, being eco-friendly is part of the deal. If you’re a digital nomad, staying in touch with the environment is even more important. How much electricity can you save? How can you work throughout the entire day and still manage to avoid fast food?
Most important of all: what tools do you use?
We’ll cover all these topics. Let’s see how you can work remotely in an eco-environment.
What Does Digital Nomadism Mean? How Does the Eco Environment Fit In?
Let’s start by clarifying the concept of a digital nomad. This is someone who relies on the Internet to make a living. That’s the “digital” part. They do remote work for clients from all around the world. They aren’t positioned in an office. Since they work remotely, they can live as nomads. They can travel the world and work from co-working spaces, public libraries, and coffee shops.
That’s where humanity is heading. We can expect many more people to do remote work a decade from today. They won’t need to invest in fancy homes in their twenties. They won’t take loans to get apartments. They will pursue the digital nomad lifestyle, with minimal belongings and less damage to the environment.

Where does the environment fit into this equation?
Sustainability and digital nomadism are a match made in heaven. When you work remotely, you see the real picture with our planet. You see the problems, you take action, and you’re in a position to raise awareness.
If your passion is traveling you can do it in a more sustainable way, following these 5 main tips:
Tips for Traveling: How to Work Remotely in an Eco Environment
1. Save Up the Battery
When your battery lasts longer, you charge the laptop less frequently. This is how you’ll extend a PC’s battery life:
- Turn down the screen’s brightness. Computers have awesome screens that don’t need full-on brightness. You’ll still enjoy working on them.
- If you don’t need WiFi and Bluetooth while working, turn them off.
- You’re already a great typist, so you don’t need the keyboard backlight. Turn it off.
- Stop using apps that consume too much power.

2. Use a Co-Working Space
You want to save on electricity as much as possible. The co-working space has a stable Internet connection. You pay a minimal fee, and you join forces with other digital nomads to keep up with an eco-friendly lifestyle.

3. Blog about the Experience
Your remote work may not leave you with enough time for side activities. However, you can raise awareness by blogging about your lifestyle as an eco-friendly digital nomad.
The occasional blog post can inspire other people to become more aware of their decisions. When you accompany the blog with an active Instagram profile, you’ll reach a greater audience.
Maintaining a blog gives you a sense of responsibility, too. When you present yourself as an eco-friendly freelancer to your audience, you’ll feel committed to staying on that track.

It’s a Great Experience!
Remote work is challenging but awesome. You get to live the life of your dreams. You’ll see all the places you wanted to see. Just make sure you stay committed to the goal of sustainability!
Cover image: photo by Hamza Tighza, via unsplash