There are many myths circling about when it comes to eco tourism. This is bad because it causes travelers to feel like sustainable tourism is just not for them and that they should avoid it. This harms the planet and the overall value of the travel experience. It also harms the tourism overall.
So, here are some of those myths and why you should stop believing them:
Eco travel is expensive
This is one of the most common myths when it comes to eco travel. But, you don’t need a huge bank account. Most eco travellers are actually on a budget and they manage to travel sustainably. You don’t even need a special eco tour. You just need to be a responsible traveller. In fact, you are much more likely to be responsible in your travels if you don’t take these tours. Reduce your daily waste, find sustainable accommodation and so on.
You can also volunteer, help a wildlife organization, stay in an EcoBnB, meet the locals and their culture and so on. You could spend a lot of money too – if you went to a 5 star eco-friendly hotel or something similar. But there are cheap ways to be sustainable when traveling as well.

Ecotourism is a niche market
Ecotourism is often deemed a niche market. It’s not just a trend. It’s a way of life and travel that ensures that destinations stay beautiful and clean for generations to come. It’s reflected in all of the activities you can do on your trip.
Whether you go on a safari or on a city trip, there are great ways to be responsible. This is a way of travel in all of niches. This is not just about the travellers but also about the hotels and other companies. They have to do business in a sustainable way.
Even though these hotels are usually huge and thus not as eco-friendly as they could be, it still counts. What all of this means is that there shouldn’t be specialized eco-tours but rather that every niche should strive as much as possible – and every traveler and company as well – to make ecotourism a reality.

Sustainable travel is only in poor countries
Responsible tourism doesn’t exist only in poor countries – it’s important everywhere around the globe. However, this myth exists because people see a bigger impact of ecotourism in poor destinations than in rich western destinations. Travel responsibility, however, extends to every continent and every destination. You can be responsive on a city break just as much as you should be on your rural tours. For instance, you can reduce your plastic waste, stay in a green hotel, do eco-friendly activities and so on. Ecotourism also means that locals shouldn’t suffer, but rather benefit because of it.

Ecotourism is uncomfortable
People often believe that they need to stay on a farm or plant trees to be sustainable in their travels. But, this is not true. Ecotourism has many different aspects – and sure, one of them is volunteering on farms and planting trees. But you can be sustainable and still be comfortable. Hotels are greener now than ever and you can take simple steps on your own to ensure that you are eco friendly while still enjoying your trips.

Flying is not eco-friendly
While flying isn’t eco-friendly indeed, there are ways to travel and still be eco-friendly. For instance, book only direct flights and apply for a carbon offset program where you can add to programs which encourage sustainability. You can also switch to trains or busses, especially in Europe or in your own country.

Ecotourism is a reality and one of the best things you can do for the planet and for yourself. It can be fun or it can involve hard work – it is what you want it to be. So, make sure that myths don’t stop you from enjoying the eco travel.
Conver Image: ph. by Lucas Wesney via unsplahs