Albert Einstein maintained Everything you can imagine, nature has already created. Indeed, he was right! Even the most difficult work of transformation, from meadow to lake, from lake to meadow, nature has already accomplished. Where? In Austria, in Styria region, in a village named Tragöß.

Just for a moment, close your eyes and imagine that you are sitting on a rock… Around you, just nature, flowering meadow, tall trees that seem to touch the sky, rocky peaks, countless trekking paths, plunged in the forest and a small lake called Grüner See or Green Lake.
Open your eyes slowly: in front of you expanse of emerald-green water brushing rock where you are sitting…

What we are talking about exactly? About Tragöß Meadow (maybe it should be better to define it as a lake… identity is still under verification ;).
You got it! In this particular and stunning location, surrounded by Karst Mountains, with changing seasons, something unique and extraordinary happens. In spring, when temperature rises and snow melts, the basin of land below the mountains fills with water, turning meadow into a lake.
The lake reaches its maximum size from 2.000 to more than 4.000 square meters, converting in an underwater wonderland for Scuba Divers with clean and clear glacier water.

Many passionate of scuba diving, in this season come to Green Lake to discover a world under water made of bridges, benches, trekking gravel paths and bushes, tasting the beauty of a submerged nature…
But pay attention: if you go to Green Lake after end of July, you could have a surprise: instead to find the lake, you will see a marvelous and lush meadow. This happens because water begins to recede thanks to the work of a small river.
Anyway, if you decide to have a holiday in Tragöß and take a break, just be sure to bring with you in your backpack, hiking boots, diving suit, flippers, scuba tank and a good camera (better if water proof ;).