Sant'Egle Eco BIO Resort & Glamping

Via di Case Sparse Sant'Egle, 18 - 58010 Sorano - Grosseto - Italy

An ancient 17th century customs house transformed into a charming organic eglamping agritourism. Bike resort, Yoga centre, Gong bath, massages, Floating centre. It offers virtuous examples of energy saving and original creative recycling works.

We are an adults only property. Children over 14 are welcome.

By staying in Sant'Egle your holiday will be zero impact. We are an environmentally friendly structure and preserver of biodiversity. 100% of the energy used is produced from renewable sources. The waste water is purified and used for irrigation of the agricultural part.
The agriturismo is housed in a charming historic residence, which in the 1600s was a customs house where those who crossed the border between the Papal States and the Grand Duchy of Tuscany stopped in search of refreshment. From 2019, 2 luxury tents are also waiting for you to enjoy only the pleasures of life in the open air. Feel the contact with nature, but with Glamour. Discover a new luxury eco-friendly travel philosophy. Finding true beauty in simplicity. Take the time to listen to the silence. Open up to a new sensory experience.
The agritourism cultivates spirulina, saffron, stevia RebA, fruit, vegetables and since 2015 also truffles (tuber brumale) using the biodynamic and synergistic organic method following the synergistic and biodynamic organic method, certified organic.
The breakfast is a buffet with organic farm products or organic farms in the area.
A new Holistic Space built in green building is available free of charge for all guests who want to practice Yoga and those who rent the entire farmhouse for a retreat or course.
The brand new Floating center with sensory deprivation tank awaits you in our relaxation center and massage area. It is also possible to have private Yoga lessons and Gong Baths.
The garden, the structure and each room create settings through objects, colors and communicative artefacts exhibited in rotation by artists from all over the world. In bed with art, a new concept of art exhibition and recycled objects, open to all and experienced in the relaxation of a holiday.
Up to 12 beds are available in double bedrooms, all with private bathroom and entrance.
All guests have at their disposal a welcoming lemon house, a porch furnished with sofas and comfortable cushions, a garden with a centuries-old tree under which there are tables, chairs, chaise longues, hammocks, a gazebo to enjoy unique moments of relaxation and a straw theater where during the summer it is possible to watch the cinema under the stars and various kinds of shows.
A Bio Swimming Pool awaits you in the summer months with its salt water while all year round it is possible to bathe in a romantic hot tub heated by our solar panels.
WiFi is free and open in the common areas, in the garden, in the lemon house and in the swimming pool.
To guarantee the serenity of our dogs and cats, we are sorry but we do not accept animals.
There is no TV in the rooms but lots of books to read.
It is possible, upon reservation, to have lunch and dinner in the structure in compliance with food choices and intolerances.

You will find a maximum of 5 other couples in an area of 3 hectares.

Each Suite or Luxury Tent has an external area available where you can move around in complete freedom, without wearing protection.

It will be just you and the person you are on vacation with!

Large garden shaded by large secular trees with deck chairs for sunbathing, tables with chairs for having all your meals, armchairs and hammocks, lots of flowers to smell, lawns for walking barefoot, birds to watch and sounds of nature.

You will be able to use our salt water bio pool and the hot water hot tub, respecting the distance and with common sense.

You will check in by yourself with the instructions that we will send you by email.

In order not to enter your spaces, room cleaning and linen change will be ONLY IF ON REQUEST.

The whole farmhouse will be sanitized thanks to an Ozone machine, which kills viruses, bacteria and insects, disinfected with 0.5% sodium hypochlorite and with EM (Effective Micro Organisms), 100% biodegradable.

We will be there, always at your disposal, maintaining your privacy and distances.

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  • Your booking request is sent to the host for confirmation
  • The host confirm the booking and you will get an email with all details
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Subsequently, the accommodation could request a deposit. Here you can have a look at its payment and cancellation terms.


    • Bicycle rental service
    • Supporting the local economy
    • Promoting "eco" activities
    • No single dose
    • Motion sensors lights
    • 100% renewable energy
    • Organic or Local Food
    • Car-free accessibility
    • Ecological cleaning products
    • More than 80% waste recycling
    • Energy saving lights
    • Green building
    • Solar thermal panels for hot water
    • Water flow reducers
    • Recovery & reuse of rainwater
    • Recycled paper
    • No disposable packaging
    • Towel change on request
    • Natural conditioning or class A air conditioning
    • Appliances in energy class A
    • High efficiency boiler > 90%
    • Water-saving toilets
    • Regional Food
    • Environmental-friendly fornitures
    • Fair trade products
    • Biodiversity of green areas
    • Guest Satisfaction
    • Digital Detox
    • Recycling or Second Hand Furniture


    • Kitchenette
    • Electric Vehicles Charging
    • Fast Charging infrastructure for electric vehicles
    • Tesla Supercharger
    • Private bathroom
    • Internet
    • Breakfast included
    • Organic garden
    • Bicycles
    • Ecotourism itineraries
    • Pool
    • Wellness center
    • Accessibility
    • Small pets allowed
    • Garden
    • Credit card
    • Hairdryer
    • Barbecue
    • Parking
    • Sauna
    • Educational farm
    • Horse riding
    • Umbrella and sunbed at the beach
    • Gluten free meals
    • Vegetarians meals
    • Reading room
    • Solarium
    • TV in room
    • Artisanal products for sale
    • Bar
    • Restaurant
    • Gym
    • Vegan Meals
    • Own entrance
    • Natural pool
    • Ebike Charging Station
    • Covid-19 Safety measures


    • Romantic escape
    • Countryside & farm
    • Gourmet vacation
    • Glamping


    8 Reviews



    4 years ago

    Esperienza positiva! La camera molto bella e comoda. La posizione distante dalla città permette molta tranquillità e una vista incredibile del cielo stellato. Alessandro ed Erika disponibili per ogni necessità!

    It has been noticed: Organic or Local Food, Green building, 100% renewable energy, Energy saving lights, Solar thermal panels for hot water, More than 80% waste recycling.

    Grazie Veronica per essere stata nostra ospite. E' stato un autentico piacere fare la tua conoscenza e lo scambio di idee ricco e stimolante. Un caro saluto ed a presto! erika e alessandro

    Sant'Egle Eco BIO Resort & Glamping


    4 years ago

    È stata una bellissima esperienza soggiornare a Sant’Egle, ogni particolare è curato con estrema passione, dalla camera alla colazione e tutto l ambiente esterno. Regna la tranquillità e il relax, la piscina è perfetta per rilassarsi e la struttura è in una posizione strategica per visitare alcun dei borghi più belli d’Italia. I titolari sono due ragazzi estremamente gentili e premurosi!! Ritorneremo presto e consiglieremo ai nostri amici questo meraviglioso agriturismo!!

    It has been noticed: Organic or Local Food, Green building, 100% renewable energy, Energy saving lights, Ecological cleaning products, More than 80% waste recycling, Water flow reducers.

    Grazie di cuore per aver condiviso il nostro progetto di vita sostenibile. Sperando di rivedervi presto, vi abbracciamo fortissimo, erika e ale

    Sant'Egle Eco BIO Resort & Glamping


    4 years ago

    Soggiorno perfetto e posto meraviglioso per trascorrere alcuni giorni (sperando di averne quanti più possibile) in una campagna bellissima e rilassante. Padroni di casa di grande gentilezza e accoglienza. Non solo un soggiorno ma una bella esperienza a 360° con una storia interessante e unica.

    It has been noticed: Organic or Local Food, Green building, 100% renewable energy, Energy saving lights, Ecological cleaning products, More than 80% waste recycling, Recovery & reuse of rainwater.

    E' stato proprio bello il vostro incontro.
    Vi aspettiamo a braccia aperte ogni volta che vorrete staccare la spina <3 A presto, erika e alessandro

    Sant'Egle Eco BIO Resort & Glamping


    4 years ago

    Sant'Egle è una struttura meravigliosa immersa nella campagna toscana. Gli ambienti sono confortevoli e curati nei dettagli, con particolare attenzione al riciclo, e lo spazio esterno è magnifico.
    I proprietari, Erika e Alessandro, sono gentili e disponibili ed hanno saputo dare vita a un progetto veramente lodevole:Il 100 % dell'energia usata è prodotta da fonti rinnovabili!
    Nella struttura è presente anche un bio- shop con prodotti di Sant'Egle, tutti biologici e a km0. Torneremo sicuramente, magari nella bella stagione, per approfittare appieno dei servizi offerti da questa magnifica struttura.

    It has been noticed: Organic or Local Food, Green building, 100% renewable energy, Energy saving lights, Solar thermal panels for hot water, More than 80% waste recycling, Recovery & reuse of rainwater.

    Cara Ginevra, è stato un vero piacere conoscerti e contiamo di riabbracciarti prestissimo.
    Un caro saluto, erika e alessandro

    Sant'Egle Eco BIO Resort & Glamping


    4 years ago

    Camera con letto a baldacchino, camino e vasca. Tutto perfetto, semplicemente da provare.

    It has been noticed: Organic or Local Food, 100% renewable energy, Energy saving lights, Solar thermal panels for hot water, Ecological cleaning products, More than 80% waste recycling, Car-free accessibility, Recovery & reuse of rainwater, Water flow reducers.

    Grazie Alessandra per essere stata nostra ospite.
    Speriamo di cuore di riabbracciarti presto!
    Un caro saluto anche da parte dei meditatori delle canne fumarie ;-) erika

    Sant'Egle Eco BIO Resort & Glamping


    5 years ago

    La struttura è immersa in un luogo incantevole e appena si arriva, hai subito la sensazione di relax e tranquillità. Abbiamo soggiornato nella tenda per una notte, ma per godersi appieno il luogo e le varie attività a mio parere due giorni sono perfetti! Ottimi la pulizia e i servizi, gestiti da una coppia che ha davvero molto a cuore il biologico e l'ecosostenibilita'. La colazione è meravigliosa, con prodotti km 0 e fatti in casa, adatti ad ogni esigenza alimentare. Ritorneremo senza dubbio, anche perché i dintorni hanno davvero molto da offrire, vecchi borghi tenuti benissimo e ottimo cibo! Complimenti ancora ai proprietari

    It has been noticed: Organic or Local Food, Green building, 100% renewable energy, Energy saving lights, Solar thermal panels for hot water, Ecological cleaning products, More than 80% waste recycling.

    Grazie Anna per tue belle parole <3 Contiamo di riabbracciarvi prestissimo. Un caro saluto erika e alessandro

    Sant'Egle Eco BIO Resort & Glamping


    7 years ago

    Un piccolo paradiso...
    Al livello "materiale" tutto era perfetto: stanza, letti, nessun rumore, giardino organizzato con diversi spazi, piscina, orto, prima colazione stupenda, cena da non perdere...
    Al livello "umano" Erika e Alessandro sono molto professionale ma anche molto accoglienti e danno degli ottimi consigli per visitare la zona!
    Il "plus": possibilità di comprare tanti prodotti casalinghi e di fare anche dei pic nic con i prodotti dell'orto!

    It has been noticed: Organic or Local Food, Green building, 100% renewable energy, Solar thermal panels for hot water, Ecological cleaning products, More than 80% waste recycling, Recovery & reuse of rainwater.

    Grazie Axelle per queste belle parole.
    E' stato molto bello incontravi e tanti cari auguri per il nuovo arrivato <3 erika e alessandro

    Sant'Egle Eco BIO Resort & Glamping


    7 years ago

    Un'esperienza indimenticabile in un agriturismo reale, dove una coppia di giovani coltivano zafferano, alga spirulina, iperico, lavanda, verdura, stevia. Offrono camere con colazione ricchissima e casalinga. Consigliato!

    It has been noticed: Organic or Local Food, Green building.

    Ramona grazie grazie e grazie delle tue splendide parole! Ci sei rimasta nel cuore e speriamo tanto di riabbracciarti prestissimo <3

    Sant'Egle Eco BIO Resort & Glamping

    Starting from €169.00

    Make your travel greener by booking with Ecobnb.

    No prepayment needed

    What happens after contact?

    • Your contact request is sent to the host for availability and price
    • You will receive an answer from the host with availability and price, you can also ask for more information
    • You can confirm the booking or cancel the request
    Starting from €169.00
    8 Reviews
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