Tag Archives: respect for the environment

The value of rural life in the Campolibero italian Decree
Who has not thought at least once in their life to abandon all sources of stress and move into a green and unspoiled place? Start living in the nature, doing something that we love and that rewards us, in a way of life marked by the green economy. You must be full of passion to […]
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Why shopping when you can sharing?
Who doesn’t have the house’s closets overflowing with objects rarely or never used? According to statistics, 80% of the objects in our homes are used less than once a month. So why don’t sharing them? Yerdle, is a start-up that was born with this idea. “On one hand we are overwhelmed by the objects and we do […]
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MUSE, a sustainable Science Museum in Trento
Hypertechnological and eco-friendly: it’s the MuSe, the Science Museum opened last month in Trento. Located inside the new district Le Albere, where the former factory Michelin has been requalified, the Science Museum of Trento, designed by the italian architect Renzo Piano, has achieved LEED gold status for its sustanibility. It’s the first italian museum […]
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How do cruise ships impact on the environment
The cruise ship is the holiday that has grown faster than any other in the last 20 years. Despite the disaster of the Costa Concordia near the island of Giglio (Italy), cruises are becoming increasingly popular, coming to carry each year about 20 million passengers worldwide and 800,000 in Italy. But it is also the […]
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A no impact trip around the world by Bicycle (with a Blender)
Have you ever thought to attach to your bicycle a pedal powered blender, in order to give smoothies around the world? That’s the idea of Federico Damiani, who will start these days to “an unknown destination and for an indefinite time.” Unique traveling companions, his bicycle and a pedal powered blender! The only real goal […]
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Mount Etna Becomes a World Heritage Site
The largest volcano in Italy will become part of the UNESCO World Heritage Site. It will be officially included on the UNESCO World Heritage List during the 37th World heritage Committee in Cambodia, next June. The International Union for the Conservation of Nature has defined Etna as Icon of the Mediterranean, recognizing the importance of Mount […]
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World Earth Day. "Saving the landscape" marching all over the major Italian cities.
“Only when I saw the Earth from space, in all its ineffable beauty and fragility, did I realize that humankind’s most urgent task is to cherish and preserve it for future generations.” I was struck by this declaration of love to the Earth of Sigmun Jähn (member of the crew of the spaceship Soyius31 in […]
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