Tag Archives: research

How Students Are Now Studying Solar Energy Technologies
In its continuous development, the modern world is finding new and more efficient ways to solve energy problems. Solar energy occupies a special place among them. The following factors make it one of the key alternatives to traditional energy sources: high efficiency, environmental friendliness, endless natural resource base. The increasing demand for clean energy is […]
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Gardening is good for children’s health
A research shows that gardening helps children to stay healthy The Journal of Nutrition Education and Behavior has just published a research on the impact of gardening on children, discovering many benefits, including on their health. The experiment was carried out in four schools in California that adopted a program to improve the well-being of […]
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Plastic all around… and inside us as well: Recent study by Orb Media
Plastic is really all around you. It is in your phone, clothes, or fridge. Oceans, rivers and lakes are full of plastic waste. Not to mention hundreds of tons of waste ending up on a rubbish dump. We live in a plastic age. And plastic is slowly getting into our bodies. How? By water, we […]
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Plastic-eating fungus: Newly discovered species of “ecological” fungus in Pakistan
Our actual plastic age lifestyle is unsustainable. Therefore, scientists all around the world are looking not only for plastic alternatives, but also for ways, how to solve the actual problem of plastic waste. On a landfill site in Pakistan, scientists discovered, that fungus called Aspergillus tubingensis can feeds on plastic. A group of researchers from […]
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Water is happiness
And if there was a link between our mind, our well-being and water? This is the starting point of the wonderful book by Wallace J. Nichols, a Californian marine biologist, that has collected statistics, studies, experiments and new discoveries in neuroscience that tell of a close link between water and happiness. Blue Mind reveals, through […]
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Women and nature: living in countryside lengthens your life
Women living in the countryside live longer and better, these are the surprising results of a study of T.H. Chan School of Public Health at Harvard that show that women who live surrounded by greenery have a lower mortality rate of 12% compared to those living in cities. The study lasted 8 years and involved little […]
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Walking in the woods reduces depression
Walking in the woods helps fight negative thoughts: there is a new study to prove it, published in Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences journal, conducted at Stanford University by researcher Gregory Bratman. The study (which you can read here) involved 38 subjects living in urban areas. They were subjected to a questionnaire designed to […]
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