Tag Archives: green project

Norway aims on sustainable architecture
A project started in 2005, that now is showing the first amazing results, and that makes Norway even more beautiful to see: it is the National Tourist Routes, a sustainable initiative that combines art, design, and nature. The best architects and designers of Norway, including Snøhetta, Margrete Friis, Peter Zumthor, Jensen & Skodvin, and Carl-Viggo […]
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Traveling along the greenways
Abandoned ancient tracks become new walking routes, trails that meander in nature, away from traffic. Discover the Greenways! The first ecological ways born from the restoration of disused railway lines are located in the United States. It is precisely here that in the first half of the ’60s the first greenways, and in 1986 the Rails-to-Trails Conservancy […]
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Green Italy by Train: Ecobnb Refunds Your Journey on Trenitalia Regional Trains
Every journey leaves a footprint, but you can choose if it will be green! Join us in a unique adventure that combines the convenience and low environmental impact of Trenitalia’s regional train with the environmental commitment of Ecobnb’s accommodation. Be inspired by the beauty of sustainable travel. Discover the universe of green Italy by train […]
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German company has invented the confetti that make plants grow
What if the next carnival was more sustainable? A German social startup has devised a less polluting alternative to traditional confetti, developing a solution that not only does not disperse waste but also enriches the environment. It all starts in Cologne, the German city perhaps most linked to the carnival. During this event in the […]
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Vegotel: vegan and sustainable holidays
Vegotel® specializes in environmentally friendly hotels, accommodations and B&B’s that serve a vegan breakfast/lunch/dinner based on cheese, meat and dairy substitutes. Recently started and already expanded to four locations, Blije, Heegermeer, Schoonoord and the latest member, Wyns. Vegotel Blije is located in a farmhouse build in 1885 on the Zeedijk next to the Wadden Sea, […]
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From Holland to Ollolai, a reborn Sardinia
Life is no longer the same in Ollolai, since its small stone streets were populated by unusual inhabitants. Dutch young people who have moved here to take part in a reality show. Marije and Ovan, the winners, founded their ecobnb in the small village of Sardinia and offer beautiful sustainable tourism experiences. Among the many […]
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The amazing walk over a Danish forest
A special walk in the heart of a magnificent Danish forest, next to the tops of the trees: the new eco-friendly project near Haslev, Copenhagen. Its name will be Treetop Experience and it should be one hour from Copenhagen, in the protected forest of Gisselfeld Klosters Skove, near the village of Haslev. The Danish design and architecture […]
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A bike path powered by the sun
In Poland there is a new bike path that lights up as soon as the sun goes down; an intense blue light guide cyclists along the path, and so ride at night will not be a problem. The bike is definitely one of the most environmentally friendly means of transportation there is, and this project […]
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