Tag Archives: animals

A Time-Bomb Extinction
We are causing a mass extinction, which size is comparable to the dinosaurs’ one. If we don’t do something, more than 70% of animal species could disappear in a short time. A new study explains the risks we are running A mass extinction is a geologically short amount of time, in which ecological changes on a […]
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The World’s Most Cruel Wildlife Attractions to Avoid
Have you ever thought about riding an elephant or holding a sea turtle? Or wanted to see performing dolphins or dancing monkeys? Then you are in the right place. Considering tourism’ worldwide, between 20% to 40% of it is considered to be from wildlife attractions, from which almost 75% have a negative effect on wild […]
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Unique Wildlife of South America
South America is teeming with wildlife that is rich and diversified, occupying a wide range of habitats. Some of these animals are endemic and are not found anywhere else in the world. Most of the wildlife can be spotted in national parks or the wild while traveling independently. For travelers visiting the region, there are […]
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40 Amazing Costa Rica Animals That Will Make You Want to Visit Now
Traveling is one of the most wonderful activities you could plan and live. And thanks to all technological advancements, you can do this easily nowadays. However, tourism has a big impact on our environment and this calls for more sustainable ways to travel. You can pack fewer clothes, choose more eco-friendly means of transportation, and buy […]
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3-credible-reasons to sustain “Lundi vert”: the Meatless Monday of France
Successfully adopted in more than 40 countries, the awareness-raising food campaign named “Lundi vert” (Meatless Monday) has recently been launched in France. The aim of the campaign is to persuade French people to eliminate the consumption of meat and fish every Monday, on a voluntary basis. The initiative has been signed by more than 500 […]
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Road Trip in Iceland: 7 days of magic and nature
Huge waterfalls, endless landscapes and breath-taking beauties: this is what you are going to see in Iceland. Get out from your “comfort-zone”, you only need a car and a backpack to explore one of the most magic places in the world. Here you go a 7 days road trip to see the major attractions and […]
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Meat consumption is destroying our planet: a report by WWF
We eat much more animal protein than we need for healthy life. A lot of people know the impact of meat industry on water, land and habitats. But did you know that the largest impact comes from the crop-based feed the animals eat? A new report by WWF, Appetite for Destruction, was launched at Extinction […]
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We save only animals that we like
The good news is that we spend $ 21 billion each year to protect animals and biodiversity extinction. The bad news is that we save only those that we are friendly and we most resemble. More and more people are aware of the importance of protecting nature and its biodiversity. The problem of animals at […]
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Mother bear and her cubs on California’s beach
Watch now the video of a unique and exciting encounter: a mother bear and her two cubs are swimming in the lake close to the tourists! The lucky ones who were in California, on the beach of Lake Tahoe, the first days of August, were able to attend a unique and truly unexpected event. The […]
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