Vegeterian Cuisine, Green Building, and Nature: Discover the Eco-Sustainable Innovations of Casa Payer in Valpellice, Nominated for the Ecobnb Award
Immersed in the wild beauty of Valpellice, Casa Payer is not just a B&B, but an authentic experience of sustainable living, a reflection of Luca and Paola’s passion for the environment and responsible tourism. With vegan cuisine, green building practices, and activities that reconnect you with nature, every detail tells a story of respect and harmony. If you’re looking for a place to relax, discover new flavors, and immerse yourself in a lifestyle that benefits the planet, Casa Payer is the perfect destination.
Whether you want to stroll through the hills, knead organic flours, or simply breathe in the fresh air, this vegan residence will offer you an unforgettable experience, one that will leave a lasting impression.

Interview with Luca and Paola of Casa Payer
Luca and Paola had already shared their incredible story with us in this article, from India to the untouched nature of Piedmont. On the occasion of Casa Payer’s nomination for the Ecobnb Award, we decided to interview them again to learn how their eco-friendly hospitality continues to innovate and inspire in the world of sustainable tourism. Here’s what they revealed to us…

What was the spark that ignited your passion for environmental sustainability?
Luca: Nature, in its most spontaneous and wild form, has always been a refuge for me, perhaps uncomfortable and demanding, but a place where I feel at peace, inspired, and made me “simple” and curious.
For me, it wasn’t a spark, but a journey, with milestones such as growing up in the countryside as a child (I’m from the city, but I had an aunt who was a farmer and taught me a lot) and the decision, at 18, to stop cooking meat (it was a liberation for me! I started cooking very early!).
Then came the interest, while attending architecture school, in ancestral architecture, ancient passive cooling systems, mud houses, rock-built homes, and all the eco-building experiments that were starting to be discussed, straw bale houses, permaculture, and so on.
Traveling in Asia was my way of seeking places to experience these aspects firsthand, in villages where I could still feel part of the ecosystem, escaping from a system that at the time was focused on the complete opposite.

Paola: The spark for me was lit during my travels in India, where I saw sustainability in the everyday lives of people, their relationship with the environment and animals. Nothing transcendental or intellectual. I became vegetarian while living among them, and I learned a lot.
The vegan revolution of Luca and Paola

What aspects do you consider fundamental in your journey towards eco-sustainability?
Luca: I can say that the choice to become vegetarian, and later vegan, was the ethical aspect (not health-related) that I felt was urgent, and from there, all the other sustainability issues unfolded, leading us to develop this project.
Paola: Traveling and seeing parts of the world. Having farmer friends. Becoming vegetarian and later vegan. Living in a natural setting and having sought it out my whole life. Feeling the deep connection between all of us living beings in the world, understanding that balance is possible. Our daughter Gaia, the desire to raise her freely.

How would you describe your ideal “eco-traveling” guest?
I certainly appreciate those who break away from clichés (but if they’ve come here, they’ve already done so in some way!), those who love to forge their own path in little-known places (both literally and metaphorically in life!), those who find luxury in simplicity, who aren’t dependent on the weather, who try to live as if they were already in the world they want to create, those who ask questions and seek answers, and who don’t settle for the appearance of greenwashing.

Paola: It’s a traveler who knows how to appreciate what’s around them, someone who can enjoy the glass half full. They don’t need countless infrastructures , they know how to “see” Nature (including animals, rocks, etc.), they can breathe it in or learn to breathe it and understand its presence. Many people understand the restoration work that’s been done at Casa Payer, using high-quality materials in a simple way. They grasp the complexity of the life we’ve chosen to lead.
Luca: Perhaps imagining an ideal eco-traveler is limiting because, in these 18 years of activity, I’ve learned so much from eco-travelers I never would have imagined, and they’ve taught me a lot. There’s a lot of sharing in this project, a lot of relational tourism where both sides invest in the experience.

What is the most meaningful review you’ve received, and what made it special?
Luca: Since we never ask our guests for reviews, the ones we receive are truly spontaneous, so I have to say they always move me. They are gifts, and I silently thank each and every one of them (even those who don’t write one) because, beyond the money that allows us to continue our project, those written (or even just thought) words are the vital energy that sustains us, rewards us for our efforts, and makes us realize that we’re doing something worth continuing. I can’t choose just one.

Paola: Honestly, we are lucky to have the guests we do. “Feeling at home” is a wonderful satisfaction, but we’ve always wanted to go beyond the guest-host barrier, welcoming the humanity that comes to know us with a lot of friendship and empathy. We make ourselves available; it’s a give-and-take: you feel good, I feel good too. With some, a special bond forms, built on deeply shared ideas. Some even contribute beautiful little projects in the Guestbook. I love it when they dedicate a piece of their time to us.
The luxury of simplicity, with zero impact.

Let’s debunk the myth that eco-sustainability is necessarily more expensive. Do you believe “ecological” can also be “economical”?
Luca: Often, due to strong marketing in this direction, eco-sustainability is associated with luxury, expensive wellness, perfect views, and “untouched” nature subjugated to human leisure. When the Casa Payer project started, our goal was to show that it’s possible to renovate using eco-friendly building techniques at the same cost (or even less) as conventional methods. The same applies to food, energy, and everything else related to our lives and our impact on the environment.

Luca: If we truly want to reduce our footprint, we need to be many, not just a select few! It wouldn’t make any sense otherwise! True ecological choices are, by definition, economical because they consume less (materials, energy, etc.). When they are more expensive at first, they quickly pay off over time, but often they are actually cheaper to begin with.

Luca: I always used the example of lime-based wall painting: with a bucket of natural lime, linseed oil, and water (colored earths), I painted all the rooms in the house. Through the carbonation process, it oxygenates the spaces for decades to come, and there are no VOC emissions, all at the cost of just a few euros. Of course, even here, it’s important not to stop at the surface but to dig deeper into the topic.
Luca: Today, there are many useful tools, both legislative and technological, from energy communities to heat pumps, and storage batteries, which have become more affordable. But sometimes, even small adjustments in daily habits can make a difference, especially if other investments aren’t possible. In any case, recovering, reusing, self-building, giving away, and sharing, even before recycling , is not only economical but also fulfilling. All it takes is taking the first step, and then a whole world opens up.

Paola: With Casa Payer, we wanted to demonstrate that renovating ecologically was possible at costs comparable to conventional methods. We called it “Gandhian” — simple but effective. Luxury, as we see it, is living in a way that doesn’t heavily impact the land. A home that integrates with its surroundings and becomes a home for the animals of the forest as well.
The Ancestral Soul and Technological Heart of Casa Payer

What green initiatives have brought you the most satisfaction? Which ones have been the most appreciated by your guests?
Luca: Well, plant-based cuisine (both for ethical reasons and environmental impact) is definitely our focus, and it’s highly appreciated by guests, both vegan and omnivorous. It’s a truly sensory experience.
Having renovated a farmhouse in bioarchitecture, originally built with materials from the local area, is not only ecological but also “magical.” We left traces of bark on the beams so they would still be perceived as trees. We are happy with it every day we live here, and our guests appreciate it as soon as they arrive.
Choosing not to waterproof but to keep all the surfaces around the house permeable, and collecting rainwater, is viewed very positively. The wall heating system, powered by our own wood, along with the solar thermal panels, is appreciated because there are no visible radiators, but the space feels comfortably warm. In the summer, the evening coolness from the forest acts as our natural “air conditioner.”
The raised bed garden definitely sparks a lot of curiosity, and we are very pleased with it because it improves production and greatly simplifies management.

In short, an ancestral soul, a technological heart, and simplicity as a choice,these are our ingredients, I would say.
Lastly, and not least, we have always supported “walking tourism” for those who want to reach us using only public transport and on foot. We offer a free shuttle service from the village upon arrival and departure, with a small fee for transfers to/from train stations or airports. Many guests have used this service, whether coming from abroad or from various Italian locations, even nearby ones. Of course, it’s an added commitment for us—after all, we are only two doing all the tasks—but we strongly believe in it.
Plant-Based Cuisine and Green Suppliers

Paola: Plant-based cuisine is one of the aspects most appreciated by our guests. Many discover the variety and surprising flavors of vegan cooking and take these ideas home with them. It’s fulfilling to know we’ve inspired someone to make more sustainable choices.

Among our suppliers who make this experience possible is Maria Paola from Rovasenda Biandrate, from Cascina Teglio. Her farm was featured in an inspiring video aired on Geo on Rai3, showcasing the wonderful projects born in the Baraggia region. Supporting projects like hers is one of the green choices we’re most proud of. Maria Paola became both a supplier and a friend after staying with us many years ago. Since then, we’ve been collaborating enthusiastically, sharing the same values of sustainability and respect for the environment.
Paola and Luca’s Life Project

How do the values and projects of Ecobnb resonate with those of your structure?
Luca and Paola: From the very beginning, we understood that “targeted” communication on the topics that matter to us and that define our life project was a priority—rather than “shooting in the dark,” as I often say when referring to positioning ourselves on global tourism platforms without any real principles, especially for those like us, whose project is more about life than business. Ecobnb is a project born in Trentino (Paola is from Trento, perhaps that’s a factor too) that, at an early stage, committed to the environmental cause. This definitely resonates with our values; perhaps not in the same way, as there are many paths to take, and all of them need to be followed to bring about true change.
We also enjoyed feeling part of a project that grows alongside us and with the other structures that want to engage with their guests, share their story, and commit to the environment they feel connected to. We truly appreciate Ecobnb’s constant dedication to the environmental cause and the way you are always present and active, just like us! Perhaps that’s why we feel so in tune with the project: it must be the bond with the land and a bit of that stubbornness that we share with the people of Trentino! 😊

Don’t miss the chance to experience the unique atmosphere of Casa Payer and discover the enchanting landscapes of the Valpellice. Surrounded by nature, vegan hospitality, and sustainability, this countryside residence is the perfect place for those seeking an authentic and environmentally-conscious tourism experience.
If you want to discover a new way of traveling, eating, and living, Casa Payer is waiting to show you that the revolution has already begun. Are you ready to join us?