Ecobnb Wins the ‘GrINN Awards’ for the Best Sustainable Travel Blog

We are thrilled to share this wonderful news: Ecobnb has won the prestigious “Europe’s Leading Sustainable Travel Blog” award at the “GrINN Awards”! This recognition comes after 10 years of our dedicated efforts in promoting sustainable and responsible tourism.

An International Event

The “GrINN Awards” are a global event celebrating the best practices in sustainable tourism, with over 100 categories and participation from 51 countries worldwide. These awards are an important acknowledgment of ecological excellence in the hospitality industry.

Ecobnb wins GrINN Awards

Global Recognition

Congratulations to all the winners and participants of the ‘2023 GrINN Awards’. Your dedication to sustainable tourism in Europe is truly commendable. Together, we can create a more responsible and eco-friendly future for our industry,” said Jolanta Dziewit, Director of Sustainability at and a member of the expert jury that selected the winners.

The Ecobnb Blog, Awarded as the Best Sustainable Travel Blog

Ecobnb wins the GrINN Awards for “Europe’s Leading Sustainable Travel Blog” thanks to our commitment to inspiring travelers and accommodations to make sustainable and eco-friendly choices. This recognition motivates us even more to promote tourism that values our planet.

Ecobnb travel blog

Thanks to Our Community!

A huge thank you to all our readers and supporters. This award is also yours!

For more information on the “GrINN Awards” and other winners, visit: