Recent studies show that the travel industry is highly digitized. Many travelers are seeking travel ideas online. Thus, as an hotel or tourism agency, you should optimize your website to increase views and searches. Let’s discover how to solve your ranking issues and better your search ranking in sustainable tourism.

When creating content, ensure it is attractive to customers. Don’t overstress on search engine ranking and forget about your target readers. People will read engaging content without minding about your keywords. But as a wise website owner, you know the importance of keywords. You need to use the words that many internet users are searching for. This simple tactic will result in high conversion rates.

The following SEO tactics will help you rank your website or travel blog higher than your competitors.

Keyword Research

Your keyword will depend on various factors. First, you need to know what internet users are searching for in your area’s tourism sector. Then, go ahead and create content with the keyword you discovered. The biggest trick here is to use a low competition keyword. Thus, you will rank higher with minimal effort.

You can choose one of the several keyword finders available online, such as:

  • GoogleKeyword planner
  • Ubersuggest
  • Wordtracker,
  • SeoZoom
  • Semrush

Use the most suitable keywords for your content and watch visitors flock your website.

Photo by Pixabay

Meta tag and Meta description

These are other underrated strategies that help the tourism industry. The title of the content (Meta Tag) should be short and precise. Also, it should contain the focus keyword, which helps in ranking.

At the same time, you should include the focus keword in the Meta Description, summarizing the page’s content.

Meta Tag e Meta Description - Google Research Sustainable Tourism

Engaging Content

SEO experts say that content is king. Yes, a beautiful website with a sharp meta description and meta tag plus poor content is useless. To make the site visitors read your content to the end, make the content engaging and relatable. No one wants to read seven long paragraphs of boring words when they can find engaging articles.

If you cannot draft engaging content, hire the best writers in the market. You will never regret your decision.

Content is the King

Use Attractive and Recent Photos

Since you are in the tourism business, you want to show your visitors a sneak peek of what to expect. Thus, you should take the best photos of the attractive features, buildings, facilities and maybe animals they’ll see when visiting you.

To get more site visits and conversion, add a video or two. It makes them feel more attached to the place.

beautiful picture
Photo by Gert Boers on Unsplash

Call to action

Good content will not lead to conversion if you do not call readers to action. There are many strategies you can implement to increase the conversion rates. Do not question how translation is related to SEO. Once a visitor is satisfied with your services, they will likely share your page on social platforms. Once a page has several shares, the search engines record a positive index. Thus, it makes your page rank higher in the search engines.

call to action


Sustainable Tourism is an exciting and growing industry. In recent years, people rely on web and social media information to decide their travel destinations. Accommodation facilities, travel agencies and tour operators can use the web and social platforms to their advantage. The best way to be visible and relevant to social and web platforms is by using basic SEO strategies. Be keen on the keyword you use and craft content that keeps readers engaged. Also, ensure your content is detailed and truthful.


Naman ModiNaman Modi is a Professional Blogger, SEO Expert & Guest blogger at He is an Award Winning Freelancer & Web Entrepreneur helping new entrepreneur’s launches their first successful online business.