We have faced the lockdown, not without difficulty, and now we are trying to start again. We must live with Covid, getting used to a new daily life between face masks, disinfectant, lines and social distancing. But summer is almost here and there is something that we are asking ourselves more and more. Will it be safe to go to the hotel and how much will our holidays change? The accommodations will be ready to welcome us and will do everything to allow us to relax even at this moment. Here’s what we can expect for our post Covid holidays.

The Post Covid holidays’ reception

The Post-Covid holidays' reception

The keywords will be distance and exceptional cleanliness. This does not necessarily mean that we would not be welcomed by the staff. But we certainly expect sings to maintain interpersonal distance, products and tools for perfect sanitization and the obligation for guests and staff to use a surgical mask.
Some hotels may decide to create differentiated entry and exit routes. They also can ask you in advance, by email, the documents necessary for check-in so as to avoid lines and waiting in closed places.

Covid-free rooms

Post Covid holidays: the new measures in the Hotels

There are some elements that are more difficult to sanitize and therefore more difficult to see on our post Covid holidays. We may miss some of the atmosphere, but this does not mean that the rooms will not be welcoming anyway and that we will not be able to relax. The rooms will be minimal, there will be no decorative rugs or cushions. Before our arrival, the hotel’s staff will sanitize the room so as to eliminate any possibility of contagion. During our stay we will decide whether we want the cleaning service or not, possibly to prevent staff from entering the room.

From breakfast to dinner, our post Covid holiday meals

From breakfast to dinner, our post Covid holiday meals

Yes to breakfast behind closed doors, no to buffets (unless carefully checked). The gastronomic experience must necessarily undergo some changes, but we can still discover new flavors, savor the products of the land that hosts us. The tables, as we already know, will be spaced two meters apart and in the room we will find the sanitizing containers.

Common areas at Masseria Torricella, Puglia
Common areas at Masseria Torricella, Puglia

In the common areas indoors we will have to use masks, which however will not be mandatory outdoors if we can guarantee the right distance. We can use the elevators. Some accommodations could
measure the temperature with a special thermo scanner not only to employees, but also to guests before check-in.

Author: Chiara Marras

I'm Chiara, I strongly believe in the web as a point of exchange and dissemination and I think that one of the most urgent issues at the moment is eco-sustainability. So why not rediscover the journey as a union with nature and local culture?
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