Ecobnb is three years old! Yes, it has already been 36 months, 1096 days full of projects, workshops, emotions and new challenges, victories and defeats. In these last three years, the community of sustainable tourism has grown a lot, thanks to the faith in our hosts, the enthusiasm of our eco-travelers, the energy and passion of all the people who worked in this project. Let’s find out what happened, and which are the numbers in 2017.

Our 2017 in numbers

Ecobnb in numbers

Yes, we admit it, we like to make time to celebrate Ecobnb’s birthday. Look back where we started, go through it again, all that happened, our goals and achievements, what we missed and what is still to be done.

Just like the past birthdays of Ecobnb (for the first one here and the second one here) let’s go through Ecobnb’s third year report.

– 2.506.696 pages visited on the website in 12 months
– 783.241 users, eco-travelers, eco-hosts and people interested in the matter used the platform in 12 months
-35.000 people are following us on social media
– 2.800 mapped green tourist facilities
– 3.721 bookings (one night) in one year
– 56.422 nights requested by travelers through Ecobnb in one year
– 17.187 kg of CO2 saved by staying in our eco-friendly hospitalities
– 323.664 trees saved thanks to Ecobnb’s eco-sustainable holidays

Happy birthday Ecobnb!

Ecobnb in numbers

Our 2017 started with an important prize we received in Madrid from the World Tourism Organisation (UNWTO). Indeed, Ecobnb has been rewarded as 1st runner up for the innovation of tourism on a global level (we talked about it here).

Ecobnb’s community has grown in quality and quantity. We included new partners, outside Italy as well, such as: Slovenia Green, Green Key and Dalmatia Gren and we also involved in our work motivated and skilled eco-ambassadors from France, Croatia and India.

Ecobnb’s team has traveled more than 8.000 km to meet green facilities, visit the areas and take part in different iniziatives within the field of sustainable tourism. Whenever possible, we traveled by train or carpooling.

In 2017 we organised 14 events, including courses, workshops and conferences in different places in Italy, from Tuscany to Valle d’Aosta and even Slovenia.

The most incredible thing is that numbers on the platform have doubled compared to the previous year: both the number of web pages visited (more than two and a half million in 12 months) and the number of booking requests through the web and mobile site. And this is all thanks to you, to all the people who follow us, who read our articles and use Ecobnb to travel in a more sustainable way.

In the last year the number of confirmed bookings on the web site and the mobile app has tripled.

We therefore contributed to reducing CO2 emissions by over 17.000 kg. Thanks to the platform and by choosing green accommodations rather than traditional hotels, the number of trees saved has tripled(323.664 trees in one year). Our impact on the environment has been 3 times more important and positive than it was last year.

Ecobnb is 3 years old: our achievements and future projects

We are aware that numbers say a lot about something, but still, they don’t tell us everything. We asked Simone Riccardi, founder of Ecobnb, which are the main goals that the community achieved in its first three years of life and what are their plans for the future.

Simone actually talked more about the future rather than the past. “We are happy to celebrate 3 years of Ecobnb. Looking ahead, projects are many. For example further improving the computer system of reservation in order to make it faster and more efficient. And then, make Italy’s green hospitality offer broader, including new tourist facilities, especially in cities (where there is much demand and very little offer) and natural reserves. We would also like to collaborate with new partners to promote sustainable tourism everywhere in Europe…and so on.”

This infographic image sums up some of the main milestones and future aims.

Ecobnb’s Roadmap

Well, what more can we say?

Happy birthday Ecobnb!

Let’s all celebrate together, not with a cake, but with this amazing Contest for all our eco-travelers!

Author: Margherita Potrich

Born in Rovereto, Margherita studies Modern Languages for tourism and business mediation at the University of Trento – Literature and Philosophy Department. The knowledge and use of English in a work environment is her main objective; thanks to Ecobnb she had the chance to combine languages with the emerging topic of sustainable tourism.
More posts by Margherita Potrich →

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