Tag Archives: save the planet

Green Technology and Students, What Innovations Will Help Save the Planet
Eliminating the aggravating impacts of climate change and popularization of sustainable future are not vague and distant ideas anymore. Instead, there are urgent priorities to focus on. As humans are the ones to blame for the accelerated global warming, mainly caused by pollution and reliance on fossil fuels, they are the ones to find effective […]
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Food and Environment: The Impact of Our Food Choices on Sustainability
Our daily food choices have a significant impact on the environment and the sustainability of our planet. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the food sector is responsible for about 30% of global greenhouse gas emissions. This is due to the entire life cycle of food products, from production […]
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A Thousand Billion Trees within 2030
A new ambitious goal for the protection of the planet: planting a thousand billion trees within 2030 A new goal to reach within 2030 has been set at the G20 summit in Rome: planting a thousand billion trees in order to save our planet. Trees absorb CO2, which is necessary for their livelihood, and this […]
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There is not Planet B! Sustainability in Day to Day Life
Find out how making small sustainable changes in your lifestyle, you can really save the Planet! Global warming, Air, Water, and Land Pollution are the few terms we all are familiar with but irrespective of the gravity of its negative impact on our present and future generations, we are prone to behave like an ostrich […]
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Bees, the Queens of Biodiversity: How and Why to Protect Them
“If the bee disappeared off the face of the Earth, man would only have four years left to live”. This famous quote, usually attributed to Albert Einstein, explains well how the future of the planet depends on these insects. Find out what you can do to protect them! For some people, bees are just small […]
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10 Amazing Places that Will Disappear Soon due to Global Warming
Global Warming is a real and absolutely current threat that poses a serious risk to some of the world’s most beautiful and famous places. Future generations, but also younger ones, may not have the chance to see some of the jewels of our planet. The famous Italian meteorologist, climate expert, environmental advisor Luca Lombroso has selected […]
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Tourism Declare Climate Emergency: It’s Time To Take Action!
Unless you live as a hermit with no access to the outside world you cannot be unaware of the climate emergency that we all face. In response governments, states, regions, businesses, and diverse sections of civic society have declared a climate emergency. The tourism industry, wonderful as it is, contributes to the problem of climate […]
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Zero-waste home: Tips and tricks
Zero-waste is a philosophy together with practical tools to eliminate waste. It is crucial for the planet and us, people, to take care of enormous amounts of waste we produce daily. Here are some tips for reducing the waste in your home. There is never only one alternative for conventional product. Zero-waste lifestyle is a journey […]
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Earth Day 2020: Digital Global Action for Climate Change
50 years after the first Earth Day, today we celebrate and support the Environment in a different way – we are going all digital! Coronavirus pandemic may keep us apart but won’t keep us silent. We are not missing our chance to speak up, right? Today it’s Earth Day, and we have so many ways […]
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Why Coronavirus terrifies us more than Climate Change
Coronavirus has arrived in Europe and the phenomenon has triggered a real psychosis among the population. Although Climate Change is more dangerous than Coronavirus, it does not terrify so much, and almost nobody talks about it … While a temperature of 20.7C (68F) was recently recorded in Antarctica and a 300 square kilometers iceberg broke off Pine Island […]
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