Tag Archives: reducing waste

How to Reduce E-Waste When Moving: Sustainable Solutions for Your Electronics
Moving to a new place brings excitement and creates a lot of waste, especially from old or unused electronics. Many people pack up every device without considering whether they still need it. That adds to clutter and increases the chances of creating unnecessary e-waste. A move is the perfect time to organize tech devices and […]
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9 Simple Steps to Reduce Your Restaurant’s Waste
When the European Week for Waste Reduction, find out how to reduce waste in your restaurant and tell your guests about it. Restaurants but also hotels, agritourism and canteens can implement a few strategies to control costs, reduce waste and make catering more eco-friendly. Restaurants, in fact, generate a lot of waste: from food that […]
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Repair or Replace? Why you Should Ditch the Disposable
Repair or replace: here’s why you should ditch the “disposable” and try repairing what you have + a few reminders that will accompany you through this change! Repair or replace? It’s a question we should ask ourselves every time we come across something broken. In this regard, there is a quote by Annie Leonard, a […]
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How to Reduce your Digital Carbon Footprint?
Billions of emails sent, google searches, or streamed videos all around the world demand electricity and have a large digital carbon footprint too. What you can do to reduce the impact of your energy-hungry online life on the planet? During the Covid-19 pandemic, millions of workers were forced to work remotely. People appreciated this method […]
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Zero-Waste Travel Tips
‘Zero waste’ is one of the biggest goal of the 21st century. But is zero-waste travelling a realistic possibility? Discover 4 tips for reducing consumption, minimising waste and maximising recycling when are you travelling Traveling can be a very unorganized process that often leaves you tired and feeling exhausted. Traveling shouldn’t be a burden, so […]
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Your Small Guide to Zero-Waste Travel
Everyone can be a zero-waste traveler. Traveling waste-free is not as hard as many people think. If you aren’t sure how you can be a zero-waste traveler, we have lined up a small guide to zero-waste travel for you, so don’t worry. Just read the tips shared in this article and follow them the next time you […]
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Stop with waste! How to Commuicate Waste Reduction to your Guests
The European Week of waste reduction takes place every year. This event is fundamental as it deals with important issues such as waste reduction. Let’s discover together 5 tips to effectively communicate to your guests the importance of reducing waste. While traveling, we’re more predisposed to change our habits. Staying in an ecobnb can give […]
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“Refuse, reduce, reuse and recycle” the thought behind Zero Waste Bali and other bulk stores
The growing number of bulk stores around the world is helping people to coordinate waste management on their personal level. A small change in one’s everyday routine, but a massive step in the overall fight against plastic pollution. 40 % of the world’s plastic waste is coming from packaging, meaning that we contact the material once, […]
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Stop wasting food to slow down climate change
From garden to garbage, how heavy is the effect of wasting food on climate? Data show that is fundamental to stop wasting food to reduce greenhouse emissions. Here we explain why! Food waste comes at all levels. According to FAO, in fact, one-third of the whole food production for human consumption is at risk of being […]
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Go Dutch, Go Green!
Holland is a small country, so the Dutch bought most of our food abroad for centuries. As in the wet grounds, Holland has to offer only potatoes, corn and beetroots to grow easily. For this Holland went overseas to buy fruits, vegetables and much more. But what means a green living for the Dutch people? […]
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