Tag Archives: protecting the environment

How Indigenous Knowledge is Shaping Canada’s Sustainable Future
Canada’s path toward a sustainable future is deeply influenced by the wisdom and practices of its diverse Indigenous communities. These communities, each with their unique cultural traditions and ecological knowledge, have nurtured a deep connection with the land for centuries, understanding ecosystems and the balance needed to maintain them. Today, as the world grapples with […]
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Earth Day 2020: Digital Global Action for Climate Change
50 years after the first Earth Day, today we celebrate and support the Environment in a different way – we are going all digital! Coronavirus pandemic may keep us apart but won’t keep us silent. We are not missing our chance to speak up, right? Today it’s Earth Day, and we have so many ways […]
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Stop with waste! How to Commuicate Waste Reduction to your Guests
The European Week of waste reduction takes place every year. This event is fundamental as it deals with important issues such as waste reduction. Let’s discover together 5 tips to effectively communicate to your guests the importance of reducing waste. While traveling, we’re more predisposed to change our habits. Staying in an ecobnb can give […]
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Bat Box, an ecological house to protect bats
Bats are our allies. The presence of these small flying mammals indicates that the environment in which we live is safe. To protect them an house to defend them has been built. We are talking about the “Bat-Box”: let’s find out together the importance of this innovation. The Bat-Box is the ecological house which has […]
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5 Ways to Promote Sustainable Mountain Biking
How mountain biking without impacting the environment and the places we go through? Here are 5 essential tips for your sustainable MTB journey Literally, every human activity has an impact on the environment and mountain biking is no exception. As we enjoy our bikes along enchanting nature trails and beautiful scenery, we leave behind a […]
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Earth Day 2017
Earth Day, the largest environmental event in the world, is celebrated on April 22. An incredible moment when 192 countries around the world come together to celebrate the Earth and to promote its conservation. Let’s find out the origins of this day, the events of this year and 5 ways to celebrate the day of the […]
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We save only animals that we like
The good news is that we spend $ 21 billion each year to protect animals and biodiversity extinction. The bad news is that we save only those that we are friendly and we most resemble. More and more people are aware of the importance of protecting nature and its biodiversity. The problem of animals at […]
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