Tag Archives: journeys

Tatra National Park: the Unmissable Marvels
Let’s discover the beauties of the Tatra National Park, between lakes, caves and breathtaking paths Situated on the Polish side, the Tatra National Park (in Slovakian: Tatranský Národný Park) is the most ancient park in Slovakia, created in 1948. With an amplitude of 785 kmq, it protects the highest mountain chain of Poland and includes […]
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A dream through history: from Budapest to the Ocean, walking along Ancient Paths
Discover more than four thousand kilometers of walking paths from Budapest to Santiago de Compostela, to the ocean “After years of work our dream became true, we connected Budapest (Aquincum, the eastern border of the Roman Empire, the limes Pannonicus ) with Santiago de Compostela and the end of the world (Finisterre) in a single journey. We […]
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Colors on holiday: 10 destinations to put a little happiness in your travels
There are places where you need some time and patience in order to discover their real essence and learn to value it. There are places instead, which catch your eye, but most importantly your heart, straight away, from the moment you step foot in them. And that’s for sure, because in the world there are […]
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