Tag Archives: green

Green and luxury holiday among the Alps
Green and Luxury: 10 ideas for a memorable holiday in the Alps Let’s leave together for a journey through the most beautiful mountains in Europe, staying between luxury and nature, in beautiful hotels or resorts that have managed to combine maximum comfort with respect for nature. Among wellness and Ladin culture The fresh mountain air, […]
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Walking Tours in Italy: 10 Itineraries for Eco-Travelers
After this period of quarantine, we have not excuses anymore. Everything now is like a new experience, and we don’t want to waste time, except for travelling and walking. For this reason, the new project “Io cammino in Italia” (I walk in Italy) was born. This campaign has been created by professionals that want to […]
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Less is more: Change your life to Change the World
“I wanted to show how much waste there is nowadays, in this society where money is God and unbridled consumerism is sold as the remedy for every cure.” Rob Greenfield is a common guy, who until 2011 lived fully immersed in the global consumerism. He wanted all the advertised objects and bought dresses to impress […]
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10 Unique Eco-friendly Experiences in Istria: Slow and Sustainable
Discover the most unique eco-friendly experiences in Istria with our suggestions, designed to offer activities outside of the norm. Travel in small groups, embark on green hikes, visit natural parks, and taste gourmet organic food. Say no to mass tourism and yes to real slices of Istrian local life. Mild Istrian climate, untouched nature, and clean environment are […]
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How to Give your Clothes a Longer Life and Help the Planet in the Same Time
The clothing industry is known to be the second biggest polluter in the world. Some eye-opening facts and tips on how to give your clothes a longer life. Right after the oil industry, clothing production is known to be the second biggest polluter in the world. Is not that surprising? We have collected some eye-opening […]
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How to be Eco-friendly with your Daily Choices
The earth is our home and yet we exploit its resources, disorganizing the natural ecosystem. Anthropogenic activities have caused major environmental disasters like global warming and desertification. If we continue with our current ways, we will never succeed in replenishing natural assets, because we have already surpassed our planet’s sustainability. We are responsible for ruining […]
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Tree-house: a Stay in a Dreamy shelter
Which child has never dreamed of a secret (or not) shelter on a tree? Anyway, we all have seen at least an American movie or series in which children had one. And so we dreamed with them. Who could have imagined, 30 years ago, that this would have become a vacation trend? Today, this is […]
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Cycling Tourism: a nice Ride between Udine and Venice
Cycling tourism in Italy has a potential value of 3.2 billion euros. The northern Adriatic coast is leading this green revolution. This is confirmed by several initiatives to build new cycling infrastructures. The new track between Bibione (Veneto) and Lignano Sabbiadoro (Udine) is already a must-do for sweet mobility lovers. Italy and Europe are looking […]
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Women vs Men: who are the winners of the sustainability?
In the last years people around the world are becoming more sensitive towards sustainable topics. But, according to a recent study, the real champion of the sustainability are the women. They produce less rubbish, they put more attention on recycling, they consume more organic and kilometer 0 products and use more often the soft mobility. […]
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20 spectacular waterfalls of Europe
Through the rock, they dig and dive for dozens or hundreds of meters, ending up in deep blue mirrors of water. Waterfalls are natural beauties that take your breath away. In front of their magnificence we get excited and amazed. From Iceland to Italy, from Estonia to Ireland… Here you go some of the most […]
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