Tag Archives: green habits

Shinrin-Yoku, the experience of forest bathing
Have you ever thought about going into a forest and hugging a tree trunk?! Perhaps, it may sound a little weird, but this action is becoming always more fashionable all along the world. The Shinrin-Yoku is a Japanese technique that was invented about forty years ago. It is used as a therapy for the inner […]
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Let’s go for a hike! 6 simple tips to stay environmentally conscious
Hiking is one of the best ways to discover the nature that surrounds you. From concrete physical benefits to emotional recharge, it can affect your mood, boost your creativity, and a great way to achieve that daily exercise that is needed. But try your best to leave a minimal impact on the environment when going […]
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How to Give your Clothes a Longer Life and Help the Planet in the Same Time
The clothing industry is known to be the second biggest polluter in the world. Some eye-opening facts and tips on how to give your clothes a longer life. Right after the oil industry, clothing production is known to be the second biggest polluter in the world. Is not that surprising? We have collected some eye-opening […]
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“Refuse, reduce, reuse and recycle” the thought behind Zero Waste Bali and other bulk stores
The growing number of bulk stores around the world is helping people to coordinate waste management on their personal level. A small change in one’s everyday routine, but a massive step in the overall fight against plastic pollution. 40 % of the world’s plastic waste is coming from packaging, meaning that we contact the material once, […]
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Green hotel: 20 actions for a more sustainable accommodation
One of the keys to success in tourism is sustainability. Data and researches on travelers confirm that always more tourists look for sustainable hotels. Sustainability is necessary to save our Planet. Let’s discover 20 actions to innovate now your green hotel in an eco-friendlier way. The latest tourism trends confirm that always more tourists choose an eco-sustainable […]
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10 green habits to save our planet
Doing an appropriate differentiated waste collection, turning off the lights, moving by bike…represents simple daily actions that is integrated in a every day life routine of very people, can make the difference by contributing to the safeguard of the planet. Here you have the green habits to adopt to contribute to the safeguard of the […]
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