Tag Archives: Green energy

The Path Toward Zero Emissions According To Bill Gates
The road toward climate neutrality within 2050 will not be easy. According to Bill Gates, it would be humanity’s biggest achievement. Let’s find out the reasons together. Currently, we release in the atmosphere 51 billion tons of CO2 per year; the goal is 0 emissions. In his book “How to avoid a climate disaster” Microsoft’s founder […]
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Only wind, sun and a “slow” tourism. The Greek Tilos is the first 100% green island of the Mediterranean
By 2020, the EU member states will have to meet their energy needs achieving the 20% target of energy coming from renewable sources. And what if I tell you that some places have already reached this goal? In particular, there is a little island in the Mediterranean Sea, which as early as this summer could […]
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The new energy in Europe is green!
New record for renewable energy in Europe: in 2016 we reach touches almost 90% in the new energy produced in the continent. Good news: last year almost 90% of the new energy in Europe has come from wind. Specifically, 86% of the new power produced in Europe comes from renewable sources, especially from wind. According to the latest […]
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5 strategies for renewable energy
From autos without fuel to electrical energy that exploits wavy farm, and then environmental strategies and solar panels…here there are 5 strategies for renewable energy that some country have adopted to help the planet. 1. Within 2025 electric cars only – the suistainable strategy comes from Holland In Holland, after the showroom of Model 3 […]
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