Tag Archives: carbon footprint

Sustainable Travel: How to Minimise Your Carbon Footprint While Exploring the Globe
In today’s world, the concept of sustainable travel has gained significant traction. Travellers are becoming increasingly conscious of their impact on the environment and are seeking ways to explore the globe while minimising their carbon footprint. Sustainable travel involves making responsible choices that positively affect the environment and local communities. This article aims to explore […]
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Tips for Reducing Your Carbon Footprint While on the Road
Embarking on a journey is exhilarating, but being mindful of the environmental impact is vital. As you embark on your adventures, actively lessening the ecological imprint of your travels becomes a rewarding endeavor. Imagine taking the road less traveled while diminishing your carbon footprint, contributing to a greener world. By adopting eco-conscious practices, you can […]
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Top Ways to Travel Eco-Friendly
Today, more than ever, travelers are looking for eco-friendly ways to make trips, so they can rest assured about not leaving a negative impact on the environment. According to recent research, around 87% of people have expressed their desire to travel sustainably, so they can create a positive world for future generations to live in. […]
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Which Travel Mode Pollutes the Most?
If you’re someone who loves to travel and explore new destinations, but you’re also eco-conscious, you may have a hard time deciding the right paths to take. There’s something to be said for staying in the U.S. when you travel, for example. You’re reducing your carbon footprint, and you’re also having less of a potentially harmful […]
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The 5 Biggest Eco-Tourism Mistakes That Can Increase, Not Decrease Your Carbon Footprint
Eco-Tourism is fast growing among today’s eco-conscious travelers. As our environmental concerns become more serious, holiday makers and travelers alike are trying to vacation in a more sustainable and eco-friendly way. However, it is quite easy to make mistakes that actually increase your carbon footprint, not minimise it. Here are the 5 most common eco-tourism […]
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Ecological Footprint: What Is It and How to Calculate It
As the public environmental awareness and the media’s interest in sustainability and natural resources exploitation increases, crucial global issues get a higher visibility. For instance, we hear about the ecological footprint more and more often. But what is it? What’s its purpose? And how is it calculated? What is it? The ecological footprint is an […]
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A Short Guide to Carbon Offsetting
Today I’m going to be chatting about Carbon Offsetting as a way to make your travel more sustainable. I want to stress that whilst carbon offsetting is a good way to help reduce your environmental impact on the earth, or to make it a net positive, it shouldn’t be used as a way to live […]
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Meet the Innovative Hotels for Leaders in Sustainable Travels
The hotel and hospitality industry is one that has seen constant improvements in recent years. Hotels now serve as more than just a gateway for people to get to their destination or a place for them to rest their heads. Hotels are now a major source of employment for locals and can also be a […]
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Costa Rica: how this small Country is set to become the first Plastic-free and Carbon-free in the World
Costa Rica attracts around 1.7 million tourists yearly, what is even more interesting is that nearly 80% of these tourists engage in eco-tourism related activities throughout their stay. Now, their plan is to be completely plastic-free and carbon-neutral by the year 2021. What is the drive behind their eco-friendliness and how the country prepares to […]
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Healthy diet: the lifestyle can saves our Planet
A recent research confirms the importance of choosing a healthy diet, not only to help ourselves, but also to fight climate changes. Let’s see what scientists say and which rules we should follow at the table to protect our (and the Planet’s) health. Diet is life: Every day, we need different amounts of water, oxygen […]
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