Tag Archives: bioarchitecture

Are Metal Roofs Eco-Friendly?
In recent years, the conversation around eco-friendly building materials has grown significantly. Amidst this discussion, many homeowners and builders are considering whether metal roofs are an environmentally sustainable option. Metal roofs are indeed eco-friendly, offering several benefits that align with green building practices. One of the key attributes of metal roofing is its longevity. It […]
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Van Bhoj: A Sanctuary of Sustainable Living in Delhi NCR
Van Bhoj is an oasis of sustainable living nestled in Delhi NCR. Join us on a journey to this mud house sanctuary, where nature and architecture harmonize seamlessly At Ecobnb, we believe sustainable architecture is not just a trend but the future of building and living. Nestled within the bustling cityscape of Delhi NCR, Van […]
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Why Cob Houses are so Amazing
Cob houses are amazing and sustainable: Victor Jacquet of the Architecture Naturelle association explains it to us in this interview Cob houses are homes constructed using a mixture of clay, sand, straw, and water. This traditional building technique dates back centuries and has recently gained popularity as a sustainable and environmentally friendly alternative to conventional […]
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Not only a trend, all the advantages of the green roof
How many times, leafing through magazines, among the dozens of eco articles, have you thought to see a roof of beautiful green color, so young, so green? And how many times have you desired to show one-off on your house too? Have you ever thought about how our planet would change if all residences were equipped […]
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10 Unmissable Eco-Friendly Museums in Italy
In Italy there are many museums which adopt sustainable practices. Discover with us 10 unmissable eco-friendly museums to visit during your green holidays. Museums are among the public buildings responsible for the greatest waste of energy. Environmental responsibility and attention to the use of green practices have led to the creation of many eco-friendly museums. […]
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Tree-house: a Stay in a Dreamy shelter
Which child has never dreamed of a secret (or not) shelter on a tree? Anyway, we all have seen at least an American movie or series in which children had one. And so we dreamed with them. Who could have imagined, 30 years ago, that this would have become a vacation trend? Today, this is […]
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Eco-Friendly Tiny House Features & Styles
Bigger isn’t always better. A smaller space means less consumption and less energy used. Tiny Houses are eco-friendly by nature! Let’s discover the eco-friendly features and the unique Styles of a Tiny House. When it comes to Eco Bnbs, tiny houses fit the bill. Why? Because our world is growing at a rapid rate. Our cars, […]
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Turf houses: a new World Heritage Site?
If you’ve been in Iceland you’ll know the Turf houses, one of the first examples of green building in the history of man. The Vikings were the firsts to build these special houses, to survive in often extreme climatic conditions. The basic idea is to use a turf as thermal insulation, to survive even in […]
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MUSE, a sustainable Science Museum in Trento
Hypertechnological and eco-friendly: it’s the MuSe, the Science Museum opened last month in Trento. Located inside the new district Le Albere, where the former factory Michelin has been requalified, the Science Museum of Trento, designed by the italian architect Renzo Piano, has achieved LEED gold status for its sustanibility. It’s the first italian museum […]
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